The Place label records the physical location of where an artwork was created.
Name | ID | Object Count |
? | 2037345 | 56 |
Abakainon (Sicily) | 2036177 | 3 |
Abbaitis (Phrygia) | 2036360 | 1 |
Abdera (Hispania) | 2036728 | 1 |
Abdera (Thrace) | 2035712 | 36 |
Abila (Syria) | 2036291 | 2 |
Abruzzi | 2035162 | 2 |
Abydos (Troas) | 2036237 | 30 |
Acerrae (Campania) | 2038726 | 0 |
Achaia | 2035618 | 11 |
Adana (Cilicia) | 2035558 | 6 |
Adramytteion (Mysia) | 2035659 | 6 |
Adranon (Sicily) | 2036484 | 4 |
Aegean Islands | 2029661 | 7 |
Aegina | 2029756 | 20 |
Aegium (Achaia) | 2035619 | 2 |
Aelia Capitolina (Palestine) | 2035524 | 11 |
Aelia-Filastin (Palestine) | 2036426 | 1 |
Aesernia (Samnium) | 2035948 | 1 |
Aetolia | 2036699 | 11 |
Afghanistan | 2028338 | 154 |
Africa | 2028235 | 27 |
Africa | 2029200 | 36 |
Aggripias Caesarea (Judaea) | 2039206 | 1 |
Agra | 2029837 | 20 |
Agra? | 2028371 | 1 |
Agrigentum (Sicily) | 2035766 | 4 |
Agrippia (Cimmerian Bosporus) | 2035655 | 1 |
Agyrion (Sicily) | 2036540 | 2 |
Ahmadnagar | 2035349 | 0 |
Aigai (Aiolis) | 2035979 | 10 |
Aigai (Macedonia) | 2036222 | 7 |
Aigai or Pella (Macedonia) | 2035704 | 1 |
Aigeai (Cilicia) | 2036536 | 16 |
Aigeira (Achaia) | 2036804 | 4 |
Aigiale (Amorgos) | 2036857 | 3 |
Aigina (Aegina) | 2029757 | 51 |
Aigispotamai (Thrace) | 2035713 | 2 |
Aiglemont | 2037047 | 7 |
Aineia (Macedonia) | 2036606 | 1 |
Ainos (Thrace) | 2035708 | 19 |
Aiolis | 2035667 | 0 |
Aitna (Sicily) | 2036783 | 2 |
Aitolia | 2036499 | 0 |
Aizanis (Phrygia) | 2035687 | 6 |
Ajanta | 2029860 | 1 |
Ajmer | 2035332 | 0 |
Akagras | 2035583 | 0 |
Akanthos (Macedonia) | 2035594 | 19 |
Akarnania | 2035606 | 6 |
Akkilaion (Phrygia) | 2036361 | 1 |
Akmin (Egypt) | 2035478 | 2 |
Akmoneia (Phrygia) | 2036362 | 5 |
Akragas (Sicily) | 2035582 | 59 |
Akrai (Sicily) | 2038766 | 0 |
Akrasos (Lydia) | 2036345 | 3 |
Akron | 2038361 | 11 |
Alabama | 2028581 | 14 |
Alabanda (Caria) | 2036031 | 4 |
Alabanda (Troas) | 2040376 | 0 |
Alaisa (Sicily) | 2035584 | 13 |
Alaska | 2037003 | 45 |
Alba Fucens (Latium) | 2038716 | 0 |
Albany | 2036954 | 51 |
Alberta | 2030003 | 0 |
Albion | 2036968 | 27 |
Alea (Arkadia) | 2036830 | 1 |
Aleppo | 2036444 | 1 |
Alexandreia ad Issum (Cilicia) | 2036672 | 2 |
Alexandreia Troas | 2035666 | 31 |
Alexandria | 2036421 | 2 |
Alexandria | 2029973 | 0 |
Alexandria (Egypt) | 2028237 | 473 |
Algeria | 2029849 | 9 |
Alia (Phrygia) | 2036363 | 1 |
Alifae (Campania) | 2038727 | 0 |
Allahabad | 2035907 | 1 |
Allegheny | 2038335 | 5 |
Allentown | 2039398 | 1 |
Allifai (Campania) | 2035949 | 2 |
Alontion (Sicily) | 2038767 | 0 |
Alopeconesos (Thrace) | 2036600 | 0 |
Alsace | 2028658 | 0 |
Alwar | 2029068 | 2 |
Amana | 2038489 | 10 |
Amaseia (Pontus) | 2036274 | 12 |
Amastris (Paphlagonia) | 2036019 | 16 |
Amathos (Cyprus) | 2037286 | 1 |
Amber | 2035367 | 3 |
Ambiani (Amiens) | 2042216 | 0 |
Ambrakia (Epiros) | 2035991 | 15 |
Amestratos (Sicily) | 2038768 | 0 |
Ami (Lucania) | 2038750 | 0 |
Amisos (Pontus) | 2036016 | 132 |
Amite City | 2028520 | 20 |
Amlash (Iran) | 2028596 | 2 |
Amorgos | 2036856 | 0 |
Amorion (Phrygia) | 2036364 | 6 |
Amphipolis (Macedonia) | 2035595 | 159 |
Amritsar | 2035445 | 1 |
Amsterdam | 2028695 | 32 |
Amsterdam | 2037158 | 6 |
Anaktorion (Akarnania) | 2036011 | 15 |
Anaphe (Cyclades) | 2036860 | 1 |
Anatolia | 2028234 | 112 |
Anazarbos (Cilicia) | 2035523 | 20 |
Anchialos (Thrace) | 2035747 | 3 |
Ancient & Byzantine World | 2028220 | 363 |
Ancona (Picenum) | 2038712 | 0 |
Andalusia | 2035243 | 4 |
Andeda (Pisidia) | 2036577 | 2 |
Andhra Pradesh | 2040218 | 0 |
Andros (Aegean Islands) | 2029662 | 8 |
Anemurium (Cilicia) | 2035689 | 2 |
Angelica | 2036969 | 11 |
Angermanland | 2030008 | 0 |
Angers | 2035288 | 1 |
Angkor | 2028501 | 264 |
Angkor Wat | 2029103 | 4 |
Angola | 2040075 | 1 |
Anhui province | 2028459 | 0 |
Aninetos (Lydia) | 2036346 | 1 |
Ankyra (Galatia) | 2036039 | 7 |
Ankyra (Phrygia) | 2036365 | 2 |
Antandros (Troas) | 2036397 | 1 |
Antigoneia-Mantineia (Arkadia) | 2035995 | 4 |
Antinoopolis (Egypt) | 2039408 | 1 |
Antioch (Syria) | 2028599 | 529 |
Antiocheia ad Hippium (Syria) | 2036292 | 1 |
Antiocheia ad Maeandrum (Caria) | 2035680 | 3 |
Antiocheia Caesarea (Pisidia) | 2035554 | 29 |
Antiocheia pros Saroi (Cilicia) | 2036673 | 1 |
Antipolis (Gaul) | 2036735 | 1 |
Antissa (Lesbos) | 2037474 | 1 |
Antwerp | 2033156 | 94 |
Anyang | 2035859 | 7 |
Apamea (Syria) | 2039967 | 1 |
Apameia ad Orontem (Syria) | 2036282 | 14 |
Apameia-Kibotos (Phrygia) | 2036040 | 13 |
Apameia-Myrleia (Bithynia) | 2036023 | 3 |
Aphrodisias (Cilicia) | 2037284 | 1 |
Aphrodisias-Plarasa (Caria) | 2036029 | 13 |
Aphytis (Macedonia) | 2035691 | 5 |
Apollonia (Illyria) | 2035600 | 14 |
Apollonia Mordiaion (Pisidia) | 2036582 | 3 |
Apollonia Pontika (Thrace) | 2036255 | 3 |
Apollonia Salbake (Caria) | 2036704 | 2 |
Apollonis (Lydia) | 2036347 | 2 |
Apterai (Crete) | 2035643 | 22 |
Apulia | 2028623 | 21 |
Apulia | 2035177 | 5 |
Aquileia (North Italy) | 2036321 | 34 |
Aquilonia (Samnium) | 2038721 | 0 |
Aquinum (Latium) | 2038717 | 0 |
Arabia | 2035526 | 2 |
Arabia Deserta | 2038879 | 0 |
Arabia Felix | 2038869 | 1 |
Arabia Petraea | 2038878 | 0 |
Arados (Phoenicia) | 2036144 | 35 |
Araklos (Phoenicia) | 2035729 | 1 |
Arcadia | 2028619 | 2 |
Ardennes | 2037046 | 0 |
Arelate (Gaul) | 2035967 | 30 |
Arequipa | 2036168 | 1 |
Argenteuil | 2036951 | 4 |
Argentina | 2036787 | 4 |
Argilos (Macedonia) | 2035796 | 1 |
Argolis | 2035636 | 50 |
Argolis? | 2028595 | 1 |
Argos (Argolis) | 2035637 | 57 |
Argos Amphilochikon (Akarnania) | 2036271 | 4 |
Argyle | 2036970 | 7 |
Ariassos (Pisidia) | 2036583 | 2 |
Ariminum (Umbria) | 2036740 | 1 |
Arizona | 2030001 | 29 |
Arkadia | 2035640 | 5 |
Arkansas | 2028429 | 111 |
Arkesine (Amorgos) | 2036858 | 1 |
Arlington | 2028655 | 1 |
Armenia | 2036420 | 36 |
Armenia | 2035419 | 4 |
Armorica (Gaul) | 2036209 | 3 |
Arpi (Apulia) | 2035956 | 5 |
Arretium (Etruria) | 2029707 | 14 |
Arthurdale | 2028574 | 3 |
Ascalon (Palestine) | 2036661 | 20 |
Ashville | 2028515 | 53 |
Ashville | 2028586 | 2 |
Asia | 2028233 | 91 |
Asia Minor | 2028310 | 39 |
Asia Minor? | 2038637 | 3 |
Asia? | 2029688 | 4 |
Asido (Hispania) | 2037492 | 1 |
Asolo | 2039790 | 4 |
Aspendos (Pamphylia) | 2035520 | 15 |
Assisi | 2039747 | 1 |
Assoros (Macedonia) | 2035992 | 0 |
Assoros (Sicily) | 2038769 | 0 |
Assos (Troas) | 2036398 | 4 |
Assyria | 2029672 | 4 |
Astyra (Caria) | 2036705 | 1 |
Astyra (Mysia) | 2037504 | 1 |
Aswan | 2040000 | 3 |
Asyut (Egypt) | 2029644 | 1 |
Atarneus (Mysia) | 2036391 | 1 |
Atella (Campania) | 2038728 | 0 |
Athens | 2038499 | 13 |
Athens (Attica) | 2028363 | 569 |
Atlanta | 2038286 | 11 |
Atlantic City | 2029933 | 3 |
Atlasburg | 2037161 | 10 |
Atrax (Thessaly) | 2035605 | 2 |
Attaleia (Pamphylia) | 2035517 | 7 |
Attica | 2028246 | 389 |
Attica? | 2039335 | 8 |
Attuda (Caria) | 2036706 | 1 |
Auburn | 2036215 | 1 |
Auburn | 2036944 | 4 |
Aubusson | 2039334 | 9 |
Aue | 2037219 | 3 |
Augsburg | 2033815 | 183 |
Augusta (Cilicia) | 2036590 | 2 |
Aurangabad | 2035460 | 0 |
Ausculum (Apulia) | 2038734 | 0 |
Ausculum (Picenum) | 2038713 | 0 |
Aussig | 2037766 | 1 |
Australia | 2037583 | 58 |
Austria | 2028402 | 39 |
Austrian Empire | 2035241 | 0 |
Autun | 2035222 | 3 |
Auvergne | 2036761 | 0 |
Avignon | 2031188 | 5 |
Axosi (Crete) | 2035644 | 14 |
Ayutthaya | 2042387 | 2 |
Azerbaijan | 2035421 | 4 |
Azetium (Apulia) | 2038735 | 0 |
Babylon (Mesopotamia) | 2029771 | 29 |
Bactria | 2035986 | 32 |
Badakshan | 2038418 | 0 |
Baden-Württemberg | 2037783 | 0 |
Bageis (Lydia) | 2036034 | 1 |
Baghdad | 2036434 | 2 |
Baghdad? | 2035417 | 6 |
Bakersfield | 2029897 | 0 |
Baletium (Calabria) | 2038746 | 0 |
Bali | 2028560 | 249 |
Balkh | 2036341 | 2 |
Ballston Spa | 2036971 | 9 |
Baltimore | 2029888 | 91 |
Bamako | 2030000 | 16 |
Banff | 2030004 | 0 |
Barata (Lycaonia) | 2036576 | 1 |
Barcelona | 2028684 | 17 |
Bargylia (Caria) | 2036707 | 1 |
Baris (Pisidia) | 2036575 | 1 |
Barium (Apulia) | 2036745 | 1 |
Barke (Kyrenaika) | 2039677 | 0 |
Basel | 2037774 | 92 |
Baskunes (Hispania) | 2036718 | 1 |
Basohli | 2028373 | 7 |
Basohli or Nurpur | 2035426 | 1 |
Basra | 2036340 | 14 |
Batavia | 2037057 | 17 |
Bath | 2036972 | 81 |
Bath, ME | 2037175 | 9 |
Baton Rouge | 2036752 | 9 |
Bavaria | 2029598 | 13 |
Bawit (Egypt) | 2029775 | 3 |
Bawit (Egypt)? | 2037595 | 0 |
Beaumont | 2036515 | 1 |
Beaune | 2035210 | 1 |
Bedford | 2037052 | 24 |
Beijing | 2035839 | 123 |
Belfast | 2037136 | 37 |
Belfast | 2039322 | 1 |
Belgian Congo | 2029606 | 1 |
Belgica (Gaul) | 2036207 | 5 |
Belgium | 2029962 | 31 |
Belgrade | 2038851 | 0 |
Belikio (Hispania) | 2039734 | 1 |
Bellows Falls | 2030005 | 0 |
Belmar | 2037790 | 1 |
Belmont | 2036216 | 1 |
Benares | 2029839 | 13 |
Beneventum (Samnium) | 2038720 | 0 |
Bengal | 2029053 | 8 |
Benin City | 2042231 | 2 |
Bergamo | 2035142 | 0 |
Bergamo? | 2035245 | 0 |
Berkshire | 2039343 | 0 |
Berlin | 2028668 | 320 |
Berlin-Friedrichsberg | 2037205 | 0 |
Bernau | 2040203 | 39 |
Bernburg | 2037206 | 1 |
Berne | 2037142 | 23 |
Beroea Cyrrhestica (Syria) | 2036302 | 2 |
Berytos (Phoenicia) | 2035731 | 17 |
Bessemer City | 2036198 | 48 |
Beulah | 2037789 | 2 |
Beverly | 2038347 | 6 |
Bharatpur | 2029838 | 2 |
Bhutan | 2039391 | 1 |
Bibbiena | 2039751 | 5 |
Bielefeld | 2038597 | 68 |
Bihar | 2035364 | 4 |
Bijapur | 2035338 | 5 |
Bijapur or Golconda | 2035414 | 1 |
Bikaner | 2029040 | 16 |
Bilbilis (Hispania) | 2036009 | 3 |
Binghamton | 2036975 | 13 |
Birmingham | 2029072 | 20 |
Birmingham | 2038346 | 1 |
Birytis (Troas) | 2036477 | 1 |
Bisaltia (Macedonia) | 2036223 | 1 |
Bischofszell | 2037776 | 1 |
Bithynia | 2028606 | 33 |
Bizya (Thrace) | 2036603 | 1 |
Blaundos (Lydia) | 2036035 | 0 |
Blaundus (Lydia) | 2036348 | 6 |
Boeotia | 2029022 | 72 |
Boeotia or Attica | 2028628 | 2 |
Bohemia | 2035249 | 2 |
Bohemia | 2036867 | 3 |
Bolivia | 2043298 | 0 |
Bologna | 2029213 | 122 |
Bolscan (Hispania) | 2036192 | 0 |
Bombay | 2035370 | 35 |
Bonn | 2040085 | 0 |
Boone County | 2028502 | 23 |
Borger | 2039745 | 1 |
Borobudur | 2028557 | 117 |
Bosporos | 2035657 | 53 |
Boston | 2028265 | 1447 |
Boston ? | 2037347 | 2 |
Bostra (Arabia) | 2035552 | 10 |
Botrys (Phoenicia) | 2036640 | 2 |
Bottiaia (Macedonia) | 2035975 | 9 |
Boulogne-sur-Mer | 2032080 | 4 |
Bourneville | 2040104 | 54 |
Brabant | 2029963 | 0 |
Bradford | 2037793 | 1 |
Branchville | 2028485 | 64 |
Brandenburg | 2037214 | 3 |
Braunschweig | 2037207 | 3 |
Brazil | 2029985 | 19 |
Breesport | 2036976 | 17 |
Bremen | 2029796 | 12 |
Bremerhaven | 2029797 | 0 |
Brentwood | 2038250 | 5 |
Brescia | 2033781 | 3 |
Brettii/Bruttii (Bruttium) | 2035765 | 32 |
Brewster | 2036844 | 1 |
Bridgeport | 2038359 | 9 |
Bridgewater | 2036965 | 48 |
Brighton | 2029066 | 1 |
Brislington | 2040221 | 0 |
Bristol | 2029968 | 1 |
Bristol | 2037187 | 1 |
Britain (Britannia) | 2036333 | 16 |
British Columbia | 2037555 | 11 |
Brittany | 2035205 | 488 |
Brockton | 2038351 | 7 |
Brookline | 2036171 | 45 |
Brooklyn | 2036963 | 94 |
Brookville | 2036977 | 7 |
Brown County | 2029955 | 0 |
Bruges | 2035143 | 2 |
Bruges | 2037221 | 5 |
Brundisium (Calabria) | 2036014 | 5 |
Brussels | 2035278 | 85 |
Brussels? | 2035480 | 0 |
Bruttium | 2028238 | 2 |
Bruzus (Phrygia) | 2036366 | 1 |
Bucharest | 2038892 | 0 |
Buckeye Lake | 2028507 | 52 |
Bucks County | 2029906 | 1 |
Buffalo | 2036945 | 88 |
Bukhara | 2035376 | 51 |
Bulgaria | 2036418 | 15 |
Bulgaria | 2037194 | 0 |
Bundelkhand | 2035345 | 3 |
Bundi | 2028379 | 14 |
Bundi or Kotah | 2035333 | 2 |
Burano | 2037066 | 2 |
Burgundy | 2028579 | 65 |
Burma | 2035391 | 15 |
Bursa | 2035452 | 5 |
Bursa? | 2028386 | 4 |
Butte | 2036935 | 1 |
Butuntum (Apulia) | 2038736 | 0 |
Byblos (Phoenicia) | 2035730 | 12 |
Byzacium | 2036615 | 0 |
Byzantium (Thrace) | 2036256 | 47 |
Cabellio (Gaul) | 2036736 | 1 |
Caelia (Apulia) | 2036013 | 4 |
Caen | 2035192 | 1 |
Caere (Etruria) | 2029725 | 0 |
Caesaraugusta (Hispania) | 2036719 | 7 |
Caesarea ad Libanum (Phoenicia) | 2036639 | 1 |
Caesarea Germanice (Bithynia) | 2036024 | 4 |
Caesarea Maritima (Samaria) | 2036660 | 19 |
Caesarea Mazaca (Cappadocia) | 2036273 | 22 |
Caesarea Panias (Syria) | 2035537 | 2 |
Cairo | 2035373 | 7 |
Cairo | 2036978 | 5 |
Cairo? | 2035418 | 1 |
Calabria | 2035575 | 2 |
Calagurris (Hispania) | 2037495 | 3 |
Calais | 2035274 | 1 |
Calatia (Campania) | 2038729 | 0 |
Calcutta | 2029832 | 15 |
Cales (Campania) | 2035950 | 8 |
Calhoun | 2038257 | 58 |
California | 2028450 | 892 |
Calumet | 2028514 | 24 |
Cambodia | 2028500 | 74 |
Cambridge | 2037591 | 0 |
Cambridge | 2028648 | 472 |
Cambridge or Charlestown | 2037364 | 1 |
Camden | 2028542 | 13 |
Camden | 2037182 | 11 |
Cameroon | 2040068 | 0 |
Campani (Campania) | 2038730 | 0 |
Campania | 2028622 | 23 |
Campania | 2029085 | 3 |
Camulodunum (Britain) | 2038626 | 1 |
Canada | 2029798 | 13 |
Canal Winchester | 2028504 | 5 |
Canandaigua | 2036980 | 5 |
Canatha (Syria) | 2036290 | 1 |
Canicatti (Sicily) | 2042217 | 1 |
Cannon Beach | 2037323 | 1 |
Canterbury | 2035154 | 1 |
Canton | 2039754 | 1 |
Canton | 2036981 | 5 |
Canuntum (Apulia) | 2038737 | 0 |
Canusium (Apulia) | 2035957 | 2 |
Cape Cod | 2036226 | 4 |
Cappadocia | 2036269 | 51 |
Capua (Campania) | 2029679 | 3 |
Caracas | 2043304 | 0 |
Carallia (Cilicia) | 2036569 | 1 |
Cardiff | 2039323 | 11 |
Caria | 2035679 | 23 |
Carissa (Hispania) | 2036720 | 1 |
Carmel | 2036982 | 11 |
Carmo (Hispania) | 2036562 | 1 |
Carrhae (Mesopotamia) | 2035761 | 11 |
Carteia (Hispania) | 2035564 | 6 |
Cartersville | 2039742 | 2 |
Carthage (North Africa) | 2036676 | 148 |
Carthago Nova (Hispania) | 2036721 | 9 |
Casae (Cilicia) | 2036589 | 1 |
Cassel (Kassel?) | 2037209 | 0 |
Castelli | 2035163 | 6 |
Castulo (Hispania) | 2036004 | 10 |
Catalonia | 2028324 | 10 |
Catana (Sicily) | 2039315 | 4 |
Caucasus | 2035422 | 8 |
Celsa (Hispania) | 2036008 | 7 |
Central America | 2029854 | 8 |
Central Asia | 2028337 | 19 |
Central France | 2035175 | 3 |
Central India | 2029050 | 4 |
Central Italy | 2036460 | 4 |
Central Italy | 2029054 | 3 |
Central Russia | 2035170 | 4 |
Central Türkiye (Turkey) | 2035437 | 5 |
Cerveteri (Etruria) | 2029781 | 3 |
Cese (Hispania) | 2036723 | 3 |
Chabakta (Pontus) | 2036384 | 1 |
Chal Tarkhan | 2040137 | 2 |
Chalke | 2037477 | 2 |
Chalkidike (Macedonia) | 2035695 | 2 |
Chalkis (Euboia) | 2035758 | 25 |
Chalkis (Syria) | 2035728 | 4 |
Chamba | 2035330 | 1 |
Champagne | 2033774 | 1 |
Champaign County | 2028512 | 5 |
Changhua | 2028469 | 0 |
Changsha | 2035853 | 11 |
Channel Islands (Britain) | 2036739 | 1 |
Characene | 2037736 | 1 |
Characene (Parthia) | 2036811 | 3 |
Charax (Charax Spasini) (Characene) | 2039968 | 0 |
Charleston | 2029908 | 5 |
Charlestown | 2037144 | 24 |
Charroux | 2035226 | 1 |
Chartres | 2035219 | 3 |
Chatsworth | 2037124 | 3 |
Chelsea | 2038348 | 13 |
Cherchell | 2029851 | 1 |
Cherronesos (Cimmerian Bosporus) | 2036248 | 5 |
Chersonasosi (Crete) | 2036820 | 7 |
Chersonesos (Bosporos) | 2035720 | 11 |
Chersonesos (Moesia Inferior) | 2036594 | 9 |
Chester | 2037188 | 6 |
Chester Springs | 2037469 | 1 |
Chicago | 2029827 | 557 |
Chile | 2037004 | 3 |
Chimu | 2029783 | 2 |
China | 2028317 | 5493 |
Chios (Ionian Islands) | 2035678 | 40 |
Chisholm | 2037155 | 1 |
Christchurch | 2037140 | 7 |
Chunar | 2043628 | 1 |
Cilbiani Inferiores (Lydia) | 2036353 | 1 |
Cilicia | 2035522 | 32 |
Cimmerian Bosporus | 2029740 | 4 |
Cincinnati | 2028683 | 24 |
Circleville | 2028491 | 121 |
Cisalpine Gaul | 2036202 | 3 |
Clarentza | 2036453 | 1 |
Clay | 2028533 | 4 |
Cleveland | 2028652 | 65 |
Clinton | 2037082 | 9 |
Clunia (Hispania) | 2039736 | 1 |
Clusium (Etruria) | 2029732 | 6 |
Coburg | 2029988 | 0 |
Coela (Thrace) | 2035721 | 2 |
Coldspring | 2038466 | 3 |
Cologne | 2029904 | 54 |
Colombia | 2037657 | 22 |
Colonia Patricia (Hispania) | 2035962 | 8 |
Colorado | 2036933 | 15 |
Columbus | 2028505 | 68 |
Colybrassos (Cilicia) | 2036588 | 4 |
Comana (Pisidia) | 2035550 | 1 |
Commagene | 2035911 | 6 |
Compulteria (Campania) | 2036480 | 2 |
Concord | 2037255 | 31 |
Congo | 2035137 | 4 |
Connecticut | 2028571 | 275 |
Connellsville | 2028547 | 3 |
Constantinople (Thrace) | 2028640 | 1310 |
Copenhagen | 2036261 | 0 |
Copia (Lucania) | 2038756 | 0 |
Cora (Latium) | 2038718 | 0 |
Corduba (Hispania) | 2036729 | 2 |
Corfu | 2036165 | 2 |
Corinth (Corinthia) | 2035612 | 263 |
Corinth (Corinthia)X | 2028633 | 0 |
Corinth? (Corinthia) | 2036236 | 3 |
Corinthia | 2028632 | 40 |
Cornwall | 2039346 | 0 |
Cortland | 2036983 | 5 |
Cosa (Etruria) | 2039676 | 1 |
Cosentia (Bruttium) | 2038758 | 0 |
Cossura | 2036613 | 1 |
Costa Rica | 2035264 | 3 |
Cote d'Ivoire | 2035135 | 14 |
Cotiaeum (Phrygia) | 2036041 | 13 |
Cozon-au-Mont-d'Or | 2037049 | 1 |
Cremna (Pisidia) | 2036751 | 2 |
Cremona | 2029134 | 8 |
Crete | 2035159 | 5 |
Crete | 2028227 | 80 |
Creusot | 2038373 | 1 |
Crittenden County | 2029890 | 0 |
Crossville | 2028583 | 6 |
Ctesiphon (Mesopotamia) | 2039405 | 0 |
Cuatro | 2037234 | 3 |
Cuba | 2037585 | 0 |
Cuba | 2040213 | 0 |
Cumae (Campania) | 2038731 | 3 |
Cumberland Mills | 2037154 | 5 |
Cumbria | 2039352 | 2 |
Cunbaria (Hispania) | 2036730 | 1 |
Cuzco | 2036228 | 9 |
Cyclades | 2029652 | 31 |
Cyparissia (Messenia) | 2035629 | 1 |
Cyprus | 2028620 | 199 |
Cyrenaica | 2038849 | 5 |
Cyrene (Cyrenaica) | 2036618 | 34 |
Cyrrhus Cyrrhestica (Syria) | 2036301 | 3 |
Czech Republic | 2038889 | 0 |
Czechoslovakia | 2029811 | 48 |
Dacia | 2036200 | 0 |
Dacia (Uncertain Mint) | 2036201 | 2 |
Dagestan | 2039392 | 1 |
Daldis (Lydia) | 2036349 | 1 |
Damascus | 2035451 | 22 |
Damascus (Syria) | 2036050 | 17 |
Damascus? (Syria) | 2036288 | 1 |
Damastion (Paeonia) | 2036799 | 4 |
Danbury | 2038324 | 40 |
Danielson | 2028572 | 11 |
Danvers | 2038311 | 10 |
Danzig-Neuschottland | 2037750 | 1 |
Daphne (Syria) | 2029019 | 2 |
Dardanos (Troas) | 2036399 | 2 |
Darmstadt | 2029970 | 4 |
Datchet | 2038341 | 5 |
Datia | 2040222 | 4 |
Daunia (Apulia) | 2029770 | 3 |
Dayton | 2038378 | 63 |
Daytona Beach | 2029872 | 1 |
Deccan | 2035337 | 281 |
Dedham | 2029889 | 1 |
Deep an der Rega | 2040208 | 851 |
Delaware | 2037172 | 0 |
Delhi | 2029836 | 63 |
Delhi | 2036984 | 4 |
Delhi-Agra region | 2043622 | 9 |
Delos | 2029653 | 4 |
Delos (Aegean Islands) | 2035651 | 5 |
Delphi (Phokis) | 2035994 | 7 |
Deltai (Phrygia) | 2035686 | 1 |
Demetrias (Syria) | 2036502 | 1 |
Demetrias (Thessaly) | 2036141 | 5 |
Democratic Republic of Congo | 2040076 | 0 |
Demos (Phrygia) | 2035518 | 0 |
Denmark | 2033655 | 17 |
Denpasar | 2030015 | 3 |
Des Moines | 2037791 | 7 |
Dessau | 2035309 | 370 |
Detroit | 2029894 | 44 |
Deultum (Thrace) | 2036473 | 6 |
Deventer | 2039370 | 2 |
Devgarh | 2029047 | 4 |
Devon | 2039344 | 5 |
Dewittville | 2036985 | 17 |
Dia (Bithynia) | 2036389 | 1 |
Dijon | 2035183 | 311 |
Dikaia (Macedonia) | 2036465 | 1 |
Dikaia (Thrace) | 2035914 | 3 |
Dimini (Thessaly) | 2029723 | 4 |
Diokaisareia (Cilicia) | 2036567 | 4 |
Dion (Macedonia) | 2035693 | 8 |
Dion (Syria) | 2036342 | 2 |
Dionysopolis (Moesia Inferior) | 2036609 | 1 |
Dionysopolis (Phrygia) | 2036368 | 4 |
Dioskourias (Kolchis) | 2036382 | 2 |
District of Columbia | 2028553 | 2 |
Dium (Macedonia) | 2037686 | 0 |
Dobra | 2028548 | 14 |
Dobrogia (Moesia Inferior) | 2036592 | 1 |
Docimeium (Phrygia) | 2036369 | 3 |
Doliche (Commagene) | 2036585 | 1 |
Dominican Republic | 2037500 | 1 |
Donegal | 2029866 | 9 |
Donora | 2037162 | 5 |
Dora (Phoenicia) | 2036637 | 5 |
Dorchester | 2029877 | 2 |
Dordrecht | 2039369 | 2 |
Dortmund | 2037210 | 1 |
Dorylaeum (Phrygia) | 2035535 | 2 |
Dover | 2037782 | 17 |
Dresden | 2029989 | 42 |
Dublin | 2035229 | 26 |
Dundalk | 2037176 | 4 |
Dunhuang | 2028321 | 26 |
Dura-Europos (Syria) | 2039400 | 86 |
Dyess Colony | 2028527 | 9 |
Dyme (Achaia) | 2036805 | 1 |
Dyrrachion ((Illyria) | 2038900 | 5 |
Dyrrhachium (Illyria) | 2036471 | 21 |
Düren | 2029905 | 1 |
Düsseldorf | 2038598 | 3 |
Earswick | 2037230 | 5 |
East Anglia | 2039351 | 0 |
East Asia | 2028303 | 42 |
East Beekmantown | 2036974 | 5 |
East View | 2037037 | 16 |
East Walpole | 2037147 | 28 |
Eastern Europe | 2036993 | 17 |
Eastern India | 2035353 | 2 |
Eastern Iran | 2035410 | 3 |
Eastern Mediterranean | 2029776 | 2 |
Eastern Türkiye (Turkey) | 2035481 | 1 |
Eastham | 2036526 | 1 |
Easton | 2029880 | 4 |
Eaton | 2036986 | 13 |
Ebora (Hispania) | 2035746 | 1 |
Ebusus (Hispania) | 2035567 | 3 |
Ecbatana (Syria) | 2036241 | 52 |
Ecuador | 2043302 | 0 |
Edessa (Macedonia) | 2036415 | 7 |
Edessa (Mesopotamia) | 2039971 | 0 |
Edessa (Mesopotamia) | 2035762 | 14 |
Edessa (Syria) | 2036284 | 1 |
Edgewater | 2036135 | 1 |
Edinburgh | 2029088 | 16 |
Egypt | 2029778 | 378 |
Egypt (Ancient) | 2028236 | 634 |
Egypt? | 2028598 | 4 |
Egypt? | 2038920 | 7 |
Eion (Macedonia) | 2036225 | 5 |
Ekbatana (Media) | 2039970 | 0 |
Elaeus (Thracian Chersonesos) | 2035710 | 1 |
Elaia (Aiolis) | 2035671 | 7 |
Elaiussa-Sebaste (Cilicia) | 2036557 | 5 |
Elateia (Phokis) | 2036700 | 3 |
Elea (Epiros) | 2036696 | 1 |
Eleusis (Attica) | 2036133 | 225 |
Eleuthernai (Crete) | 2036495 | 12 |
Elis | 2028381 | 1 |
Elis | 2028382 | 80 |
Elis province | 2028592 | 0 |
Ellora | 2029925 | 11 |
Ellsworth | 2037163 | 1 |
Ely | 2037762 | 1 |
Elymais (Persia) | 2036652 | 16 |
Elyrosi (Crete) | 2036836 | 1 |
Emerita (Hispania) | 2035963 | 11 |
Emesa (Syria) | 2036299 | 3 |
Emilia | 2029191 | 8 |
Eminako (Thrace) | 2029784 | 0 |
Emporion (Hispania) | 2037493 | 2 |
England | 2028269 | 290 |
Englewood | 2038326 | 14 |
Enna (Sicily) | 2035587 | 1 |
Entella (Sicily) | 2035588 | 1 |
Epardus (Hyrcania) | 2039972 | 0 |
Ephesos (Ionia) | 2035674 | 61 |
Ephesus (Ionia) | 2035964 | 0 |
Epicteteis (Phrygia) | 2036370 | 1 |
Epidauros (Argolis) | 2036500 | 6 |
Epiros | 2035602 | 15 |
Epirus | 2037481 | 0 |
Eresos (Lesbos) | 2036534 | 2 |
Eretria (Euboia) | 2035613 | 17 |
Erwin | 2038371 | 3 |
Erythrai (Ionia) | 2035675 | 37 |
Eryx (Sicily) | 2036180 | 3 |
Esher | 2037125 | 2 |
Esmond | 2038370 | 4 |
Essen | 2038377 | 13 |
Essex (Britain) | 2036195 | 1 |
Etenna (Pisidia) | 2036574 | 4 |
Ethiopia | 2035444 | 106 |
Etruria | 2028330 | 132 |
Etruria | 2040363 | 132 |
Etruria? | 2043530 | 2 |
Euboia | 2035609 | 6 |
Eucarpeia (Phrygia) | 2035538 | 3 |
Euhesperides (Cyrenaica) | 2036617 | 1 |
Eumeneia (Phrygia) | 2036042 | 4 |
Euridikeia (Ionia) | 2036408 | 2 |
Europe | 2028188 | 1015 |
Europe | 2028226 | 832 |
Europe? | 2037795 | 3 |
Eusebeia-Caesarea (Cappadocia) | 2036668 | 15 |
Evanston | 2037781 | 1 |
Everett | 2037343 | 1 |
Exeter | 2029660 | 8 |
Exeter | 2038306 | 7 |
Fairfield | 2037151 | 45 |
Fairfield | 2037152 | 3 |
Fairfield | 2038358 | 16 |
Faizabad | 2035431 | 1 |
Fall River | 2037178 | 81 |
Fano | 2033794 | 8 |
Fars province | 2035368 | 4 |
Fatehpur Sikri | 2029834 | 4 |
Fayum (Egypt) | 2028315 | 4 |
Fengxiang | 2035843 | 23 |
Fenseri (Campania) | 2038732 | 0 |
Ferrara | 2033784 | 182 |
Fez | 2035388 | 8 |
Finland | 2035172 | 1 |
Finland | 2037202 | 6 |
Finsterwalde | 2037215 | 1 |
Firmum (Picenum) | 2038714 | 0 |
Fitchburg | 2038321 | 32 |
Flanders | 2033155 | 2 |
Flaviopolis (Cilicia) | 2035547 | 3 |
Florence | 2028191 | 424 |
Florham Park | 2039947 | 27 |
Florida | 2029870 | 36 |
Fontainebleau | 2029274 | 5 |
Forks | 2036946 | 1 |
Fort Lauderdale | 2029871 | 5 |
Fort Worth | 2029913 | 1 |
Framingham | 2038465 | 8 |
France | 2028277 | 857 |
Frankenthal | 2035297 | 20 |
Frankfurt | 2037211 | 9 |
Frankfurt am Main | 2033831 | 4 |
Franklin | 2037259 | 18 |
Frederiksoord | 2037224 | 10 |
Freeville | 2037048 | 116 |
French Algeria | 2029941 | 0 |
Frentani | 2036742 | 0 |
Frentrum (Frentani) | 2036743 | 1 |
Friuli-Venezia Giulia | 2039748 | 0 |
Fujian Province | 2028464 | 4 |
Fustat | 2035443 | 506 |
Gabala (Syria) | 2035534 | 8 |
Gabon | 2035136 | 1 |
Gadara (Syria) | 2036343 | 6 |
Gades (Hispania) | 2036002 | 10 |
Galaria (Sicily) | 2036181 | 1 |
Galatia | 2036038 | 15 |
Gallaecia (Hispania) | 2035744 | 0 |
Galveston | 2029818 | 0 |
Gambreion (Mysia) | 2036392 | 5 |
Gandhara | 2035799 | 4 |
Gangra-Germanopolis (Paphlagonia) | 2036020 | 2 |
Gansu province | 2028320 | 14 |
Gardner | 2035258 | 1 |
Gargara (Troas) | 2035669 | 5 |
Garhwal | 2043624 | 1 |
Gary | 2037153 | 4 |
Gaul | 2035569 | 32 |
Gaul (Uncertain Mint) | 2036205 | 9 |
Gaulos (Sicily) | 2036777 | 1 |
Gaza (Palestine) | 2036658 | 11 |
Gaza (Philisto-Arabia) | 2038959 | 1 |
Gaziura (Pontus) | 2036545 | 1 |
Gdansk | 2035283 | 2 |
Gela (Sicily) | 2029726 | 33 |
Geneseo | 2036989 | 13 |
Geneva | 2029995 | 1 |
Genoa | 2029242 | 28 |
Genoa | 2036988 | 10 |
Gentinos (Troas) | 2036400 | 1 |
Georgia | 2039252 | 4 |
Georgia | 2029878 | 21 |
Gerasa (Syria) | 2035543 | 4 |
Gergis (Troas) | 2036401 | 1 |
Germa (Galatia) | 2036669 | 1 |
German Democratic Republic | 2035310 | 75 |
Germania | 2028621 | 2 |
Germantown | 2039743 | 2 |
Germany | 2028383 | 4814 |
Germe (Mysia) | 2036027 | 4 |
Ghent | 2036990 | 5 |
Ghent | 2038593 | 29 |
Gibraltar | 2037587 | 0 |
Gilan | 2036776 | 1 |
Gilan (Iran) | 2028644 | 1 |
Giverny | 2036136 | 1 |
Giza | 2039798 | 4 |
Glasgow | 2035252 | 60 |
Glen Beulah | 2036755 | 0 |
Glen Falls | 2039744 | 25 |
Gloucester | 2029822 | 0 |
Gloucester | 2028685 | 21 |
Gloucester | 2037184 | 4 |
Gloversville | 2036991 | 17 |
Gnathia (Apulia) | 2036681 | 3 |
Golconda | 2035354 | 0 |
Golgoi (Cyprus) | 2040496 | 1 |
Gomphi (Thessaly) | 2036686 | 1 |
Gongxian | 2035855 | 3 |
Goodyear Heights | 2037160 | 5 |
Gorgippia (Bosporos) | 2037473 | 1 |
Gortynai (Crete) | 2035646 | 27 |
Goshen | 2036992 | 10 |
Graal | 2040209 | 15 |
Graham | 2036213 | 11 |
Granada | 2035394 | 1 |
Grasmere | 2038251 | 14 |
Graxa (Calabria) | 2036781 | 1 |
Greece | 2028682 | 103 |
Greek Islands | 2029654 | 2 |
Greenbelt | 2028484 | 55 |
Greenland | 2039246 | 21 |
Grimenothyrae (Phrygia) | 2036371 | 2 |
Groton | 2037171 | 4 |
Grumum (Apulia) | 2038738 | 0 |
Guangde | 2028477 | 0 |
Guangdong province | 2028455 | 54 |
Guatemala | 2035787 | 24 |
Guise | 2037226 | 31 |
Gujarat | 2029035 | 14 |
Guler | 2035361 | 11 |
Gunsbach | 2028659 | 0 |
Guslitsi (Moscow region) | 2035167 | 1 |
Gyrton (Thessaly) | 2036489 | 1 |
Gytheion (Lakonia) | 2035624 | 1 |
Gördes | 2035485 | 4 |
Görlitz | 2029794 | 0 |
Hacilar (Pisidia) | 2029744 | 2 |
Hadda | 2035867 | 1 |
Hadleigh | 2037267 | 15 |
Hadrianeia (Mysia) | 2035662 | 2 |
Hadrianopolis (Thrace) | 2035723 | 6 |
Hadrianopolis-Sebaste (Phrygia) | 2036372 | 1 |
Hagia Triada (Crete) | 2029683 | 7 |
Haindorf | 2037108 | 3 |
Haiti | 2036999 | 2 |
Haliartos (Boeotia) | 2036801 | 1 |
Halikarnassos (Caria) | 2036030 | 8 |
Hall in Tyrol | 2035275 | 2 |
Halle | 2036953 | 193 |
Halmyrus (Thessaly) | 2029737 | 0 |
Hamadan | 2029098 | 6 |
Hamburg | 2029977 | 116 |
Hamilton | 2036087 | 2 |
Hammond | 2028540 | 45 |
Hampstead | 2037126 | 58 |
Hampton | 2036879 | 150 |
Hannover | 2038599 | 3 |
Hanoi | 2039962 | 0 |
Harpasa (Caria) | 2036710 | 2 |
Hartford | 2042193 | 0 |
Hatra (Mesopotamia) | 2035735 | 3 |
Hatria (Picenum) | 2036458 | 5 |
Hauts-de-Seine | 2029948 | 0 |
Havana | 2040214 | 41 |
Haverhill | 2037083 | 15 |
Haverhill | 2038258 | 5 |
Hawaii | 2036170 | 20 |
Hebei province | 2035826 | 15 |
Hecatompylos (Hyrcania) | 2039973 | 3 |
Hejaz | 2035449 | 27 |
Heliopolis (Syria) | 2035919 | 6 |
Hellerau | 2038600 | 8 |
Hempstead | 2037007 | 5 |
Henan province | 2035823 | 142 |
Hephaisteia-Lemnos (Thrace) | 2036591 | 2 |
Heraia (Argolis) | 2035639 | 3 |
Heraion (Argolis) | 2028591 | 33 |
Heraion (Argolis)? | 2035883 | 3 |
Herakleia (Lucania) | 2035958 | 22 |
Herakleia ad Latmon (Ionia) | 2035920 | 5 |
Herakleia Minoa (Sicily) | 2038771 | 0 |
Herakleia Pontika (Bithynia) | 2035661 | 48 |
Herakleia Salbakes (Caria) | 2036711 | 1 |
Herakleia Trachinia (Thessaly) | 2036306 | 1 |
Herakleopolites Nomos (Egypt) | 2036621 | 1 |
Heraklia (Thrace) | 2036504 | 16 |
Herat | 2028340 | 18 |
Herault | 2035153 | 4 |
Herbessos (Sicily) | 2038770 | 0 |
Herbita (Sicily) | 2038772 | 0 |
Heringsdorf | 2040204 | 92 |
Hermione (Argolis) | 2035638 | 5 |
Hermocapeleia (Lydia) | 2036350 | 3 |
Hernshaw | 2028526 | 4 |
Hesse | 2029969 | 1 |
Hibbing | 2037761 | 1 |
Hierapolis (Phrygia) | 2035759 | 11 |
Hierapolis-Bambike (Syria) | 2036295 | 7 |
Hierapolis-Kastabala (Cilicia) | 2036287 | 5 |
Hierapytnai (Crete) | 2036815 | 9 |
Highland Park | 2036227 | 3 |
Hilliards | 2028510 | 138 |
Hillsdale | 2029947 | 0 |
Hilton Village | 2037190 | 3 |
Himachal Pradesh | 2029101 | 16 |
Himera (Sicily) | 2035745 | 20 |
Hindman | 2038300 | 19 |
Hipana (Sicily) | 2038773 | 0 |
Hipponium (Bruttium) | 2036486 | 9 |
Hispania | 2029751 | 55 |
Histiaia (Euboia) | 2036463 | 26 |
Hollywood | 2029910 | 8 |
Holyoke | 2036325 | 4 |
Honeoye | 2040105 | 1 |
Hong Kong | 2028558 | 133 |
Honolulu | 2037694 | 32 |
Honshu Prefecture | 2038677 | 0 |
Hopedale | 2037239 | 32 |
Hotan | 2040004 | 12 |
Houston | 2037079 | 1 |
Huairen | 2035849 | 3 |
Hubei province | 2042234 | 0 |
Hudson | 2037053 | 26 |
Hunan province | 2035852 | 0 |
Hungary | 2029884 | 2 |
Huntingdon | 2028543 | 25 |
Huntington | 2039788 | 9 |
Huntsville | 2038266 | 9 |
Hybla (Sicily) | 2036782 | 1 |
Hybla Magna (Sicily) | 2038774 | 0 |
Hyderabad | 2035459 | 2 |
Hydisos (Caria) | 2036712 | 1 |
Hypaepa (Lydia) | 2036351 | 10 |
Hyporum (Bruttium) | 2038765 | 0 |
Hyria (Campania) | 2035952 | 7 |
Hyria-Orra (Calabria) | 2036747 | 2 |
Hyrium (Apulia) | 2038739 | 0 |
Hyrtakinai (Crete) | 2036817 | 4 |
Hyōgo Prefecture | 2028576 | 0 |
Höchst | 2035300 | 30 |
Iaitia (Sicily) | 2036485 | 1 |
Iasos (Caria) | 2036713 | 5 |
Iconium (Lycaonia) | 2035541 | 5 |
Idaho | 2036995 | 35 |
Idalion (Cyprus) | 2037287 | 2 |
Idyma (Caria) | 2036714 | 1 |
Ikaros | 2036825 | 0 |
Ile-de-France | 2028672 | 48 |
Ilerda (Hispania) | 2035563 | 2 |
Ilici (Hispania) | 2036563 | 4 |
Ilion (Troas) | 2029768 | 18 |
Ilipa (Hispania) | 2036010 | 2 |
Illinois | 2029826 | 107 |
Illyria | 2035599 | 4 |
Iltirkesken (Hispania) | 2036724 | 1 |
Imbros (Thrace) | 2035715 | 5 |
Independence | 2028550 | 8 |
India | 2028369 | 536 |
India (Ancient Asia) | 2036447 | 12 |
India or Iran | 2035409 | 1 |
Indiana | 2029930 | 4 |
Indianapolis | 2029931 | 19 |
Indonesia | 2028555 | 8 |
Indore | 2039792 | 1 |
Inner Mongolia (Nei Menggu) | 2035492 | 10 |
Iolla (Mysia) | 2036393 | 1 |
Ionia | 2029665 | 11 |
Ionian Islands | 2036807 | 0 |
Ioulis (Keos) | 2035650 | 5 |
Iowa | 2036882 | 4 |
Iran | 2028351 | 1892 |
Iran | 2029021 | 40 |
Iran or Central Asia | 2039404 | 6 |
Iran or India | 2039366 | 3 |
Iran or Türkiye (Turkey) | 2039741 | 1 |
Iran or Uzbekistan | 2036550 | 1 |
Iraq | 2035377 | 18 |
Iraq or Iran | 2038899 | 2 |
Iraq? | 2035407 | 3 |
Ireland | 2029091 | 44 |
Ireland | 2037135 | 0 |
Ireland (Ancient) | 2029758 | 4 |
Irenopolis (Cilicia) | 2035690 | 4 |
Iroquois | 2037253 | 42 |
Isaura (Isauria) | 2036571 | 2 |
Isauria | 2036570 | 0 |
Isfahan | 2035336 | 65 |
Isfahan province | 2035335 | 4 |
Isinda (Pisidia) | 2036573 | 6 |
Isle of Marken | 2037272 | 6 |
Israel | 2029099 | 12 |
Issa (Illyria) | 2036693 | 3 |
Istanbul | 2029937 | 18 |
Istanbul? | 2035453 | 2 |
Istria | 2029980 | 0 |
Istros (Thrace) | 2035750 | 10 |
Italica (Hispania) | 2036731 | 4 |
Italy | 2028189 | 138 |
Italy? | 2039372 | 1 |
Itanosi (Crete) | 2036270 | 21 |
Ithaka (Kephallenia) | 2036849 | 1 |
Ituci (Hispania) | 2036732 | 1 |
Iulia Traducta (Hispania) | 2037491 | 1 |
Iznik | 2035381 | 31 |
Jacksonville | 2037009 | 5 |
Jacksonville | 2037174 | 3 |
Jaipur | 2029032 | 17 |
Jakarta | 2036788 | 1 |
Jalapa | 2036166 | 1 |
Jamaica | 2039750 | 1 |
Jammu | 2035362 | 1 |
Japan | 2028304 | 9619 |
Jasrota | 2035401 | 1 |
Java | 2028556 | 301 |
Jazira | 2036437 | 0 |
Jemdet Nasr (Mesopotamia) | 2029717 | 4 |
Jena | 2037068 | 10 |
Jenkins | 2028436 | 17 |
Jersey | 2029961 | 1 |
Jersey City | 2038327 | 13 |
Jersey Homesteads | 2028578 | 152 |
Jerusalem | 2035398 | 62 |
Jerusalem (Palestine) | 2036285 | 48 |
Jiajiang | 2035841 | 32 |
Jiangsu province | 2028461 | 1 |
Jiangxi province | 2035808 | 9 |
Jianyang | 2035846 | 24 |
Jingdezhen | 2035809 | 250 |
Ji’an | 2035810 | 26 |
Jodhpur | 2035432 | 7 |
Juarez | 2036446 | 1 |
Judaea (Palestine) | 2036451 | 63 |
Judaea Capta (Palestine) | 2036657 | 2 |
Julia Gordos (Lydia) | 2036352 | 2 |
Kabeira (Pontus) | 2036018 | 5 |
Kabul | 2040302 | 1 |
Kachchh | 2040220 | 0 |
Kadoi (Phrygia) | 2035560 | 5 |
Kalakte (Sicily) | 2038775 | 0 |
Kalchedon (Bithynia) | 2028607 | 30 |
Kallatis (Thrace) | 2035751 | 6 |
Kalymna (Caria) | 2035683 | 4 |
Kamarina (Sicily) | 2036178 | 29 |
Kamiros (Rhodes) | 2036828 | 2 |
Kampanoi (Sicily) | 2038776 | 0 |
Kandy | 2036257 | 2 |
Kangra | 2029102 | 40 |
Kangra? | 2035427 | 1 |
Kansas | 2037145 | 6 |
Kansas City | 2037148 | 9 |
Kaphyai (Arkadia) | 2036852 | 1 |
Kapisa (India) | 2039321 | 0 |
Kardia (Thrace) | 2036487 | 4 |
Karnac | 2036522 | 0 |
Karnataka | 2040217 | 0 |
Karne (Phoenicia) | 2036638 | 1 |
Karpathos | 2029716 | 1 |
Karthaia (Keos) | 2036861 | 5 |
Karystos (Euboia) | 2035610 | 12 |
Kashan | 2035357 | 35 |
Kashmir | 2028372 | 20 |
Kassandreia (Macedonia) | 2035692 | 11 |
Kassope (Epiros) | 2035603 | 3 |
Katane (Sicily) | 2035585 | 32 |
Kaulonia (Bruttium) | 2035997 | 9 |
Kaunos (Caria) | 2036708 | 8 |
Kayseri | 2035442 | 3 |
Kebren (Troas) | 2035664 | 13 |
Keene | 2038304 | 3 |
Kefaloidion (Sicily) | 2035586 | 1 |
Kelenderis (Cilicia) | 2036047 | 21 |
Kelse (Hispania) | 2037494 | 2 |
Kempen | 2037072 | 1 |
Kent (Britain) | 2038792 | 1 |
Kentoripai (Sicily) | 2036179 | 6 |
Kentucky | 2028435 | 45 |
Kenya | 2037002 | 1 |
Keos | 2035649 | 5 |
Kephallenia | 2035626 | 3 |
KephalleniaX | 2035627 | 0 |
Keraitai (Pisidia) | 2036643 | 2 |
Keramos (Caria) | 2036709 | 3 |
Kerkinitis (Moesia Inferior) | 2036595 | 1 |
Kerkyra | 2035601 | 56 |
Khara Khoto | 2035493 | 226 |
Khorasan or Transoxiana | 2036873 | 1 |
Khorasan province | 2035240 | 7 |
Kibyra (Phrygia) | 2036367 | 22 |
Kidramos (Caria) | 2040375 | 0 |
Kiev? | 2035166 | 1 |
Kimball | 2028549 | 3 |
Kimissa (Sicily) | 2038777 | 0 |
Kingston | 2037010 | 5 |
Kios (Bithynia) | 2036388 | 7 |
Kirman | 2035406 | 12 |
Kirman province | 2029079 | 9 |
Kishangarh | 2028378 | 18 |
Kition (Cyprus) | 2036238 | 8 |
Klazomenai (Ionia) | 2035677 | 21 |
Kleitor (Arkadia) | 2035996 | 9 |
Kleonai (Argolis) | 2036818 | 3 |
Knebworth | 2040102 | 1 |
Knidos (Caria) | 2035681 | 20 |
Knossos (Crete) | 2029680 | 109 |
Kodrula (Pisidia) | 2036642 | 1 |
Kolberg | 2040205 | 42 |
Kolchis | 2036381 | 4 |
Kolophon (Ionia) | 2035673 | 38 |
Komana (Pisidia) | 2036641 | 3 |
Komana Pontica (Pontus) | 2036017 | 4 |
Kopais (Boeotia) | 2029699 | 0 |
Korea | 2028313 | 1546 |
Koressia (Keos) | 2036827 | 1 |
Korone (Messenia) | 2036816 | 3 |
Koroneia (Boeotia) | 2036800 | 1 |
Koropissos (Cilicia) | 2036671 | 1 |
Korydalla (Lycia) | 2035917 | 1 |
Korykos (Cilicia) | 2036568 | 9 |
Kos | 2035654 | 43 |
Kota | 2029045 | 172 |
Kota (?) | 2035342 | 1 |
Kota or Devgarh | 2035464 | 0 |
Kragos (Lycia) | 2036535 | 3 |
Kranion (Kephallenia) | 2035631 | 8 |
Krannon (Thessaly) | 2036685 | 3 |
Kremna (Pisidia) | 2035539 | 29 |
Kromna (Paphlagonia) | 2036386 | 3 |
Kroton (Bruttium) | 2036045 | 33 |
Ktesiphon (Syria) | 2039969 | 0 |
Kufa | 2036431 | 2 |
Kula | 2035486 | 2 |
Kultepe (Cappadocia) | 2036865 | 1 |
Kulu | 2029831 | 5 |
Kutahya | 2035408 | 4 |
Kuwait | 2040506 | 6 |
Kyaneai (Lycia) | 2035910 | 1 |
Kydoniai (Crete) | 2035645 | 28 |
Kyme (Aiolis) | 2035668 | 22 |
Kyrenaica | 2036519 | 1 |
Kythnos (Aegean Islands) | 2036862 | 1 |
Kyzikos (Mysia) | 2035756 | 259 |
Kyōto | 2028306 | 327 |
Kyōto Metropolitan Area | 2028305 | 6 |
Kyŏngju (Gyeongju) | 2043487 | 1 |
Königsberg | 2037785 | 1 |
Kōbe | 2028577 | 11 |
La Paz | 2043300 | 0 |
Laconia | 2028615 | 16 |
Laconia | 2038260 | 10 |
Laerte (Cilicia) | 2036566 | 2 |
Lahore | 2028361 | 29 |
Lake Como | 2037271 | 4 |
Lake District | 2039342 | 1 |
Lake Tai | 2028475 | 0 |
Lake Tai area | 2028462 | 0 |
Lakedaimon (Lakonia) | 2035634 | 24 |
Lakonia | 2029741 | 10 |
Lamia (Thessaly) | 2036305 | 8 |
Lampsakos (Mysia) | 2035977 | 38 |
Lancaster | 2028492 | 43 |
Lancaster | 2029957 | 0 |
Lancaster | 2029896 | 5 |
Lancaster | 2038289 | 18 |
Languedoc | 2031187 | 4 |
Lansford | 2037164 | 6 |
Laodicea (Phyrgia) | 2039974 | 0 |
Laodikeia ad Libanum (Syria) | 2036294 | 1 |
Laodikeia ad Lycum (Phrygia) | 2036373 | 20 |
Laodikeia ad Mare (Syria) | 2036053 | 28 |
Laos (Lucania) | 2035959 | 3 |
Laoshan | 2028471 | 0 |
Lapethos (Cyprus) | 2036666 | 1 |
Lappai (Crete) | 2036822 | 7 |
Laredo | 2039733 | 1 |
Larinum (Frentani) | 2038724 | 0 |
Larinum (Samnium) | 2036479 | 3 |
Larissa (Ionia) | 2036409 | 1 |
Larissa (Thessaly) | 2036012 | 41 |
Larissa Kremaste (Thessaly) | 2036687 | 3 |
Las Vegas | 2036870 | 2 |
Lastigi (Hispania) | 2036561 | 2 |
Latium | 2029729 | 69 |
Latosi (Crete) | 2036853 | 2 |
Laurion (Attica) | 2029697 | 1 |
Lawrence | 2042440 | 14 |
Lawrence | 2037104 | 30 |
Lawrenceville | 2039746 | 1 |
Lazio | 2028273 | 23 |
Lebadea (Boeotia) | 2029698 | 1 |
Lebanon | 2037656 | 3 |
Leclaire | 2037236 | 36 |
Leeds | 2040101 | 1 |
Leipzig | 2035296 | 8 |
Leningrad | 2029914 | 1 |
Leon | 2035178 | 0 |
Leontinoi (Sicily) | 2035926 | 23 |
Leptis Magna (Syrtica) | 2036813 | 1 |
Leptis Minor (Byzacium) | 2036616 | 1 |
Lesbos | 2035989 | 16 |
Lesbos | 2035763 | 20 |
Lesser Antilles | 2029819 | 0 |
Letchworth | 2040103 | 8 |
Lete (Macedonia) | 2036246 | 4 |
Leukas (Akarnania) | 2035607 | 40 |
Leukas (Syria) | 2036293 | 5 |
Levant | 2036549 | 3 |
Levant | 2038847 | 13 |
Levittown | 2040106 | 1 |
Lewiston | 2038301 | 12 |
Leyden | 2039371 | 1 |
Liangzhu | 2035869 | 1 |
Liaoning province | 2042235 | 0 |
Liberia | 2040072 | 0 |
Liguria | 2029241 | 0 |
Lille | 2037767 | 4 |
Lilybaion (Sicily) | 2035589 | 3 |
Lima | 2036169 | 2 |
Limburg | 2035213 | 0 |
Limoges | 2035176 | 17 |
Limyra (Lycia) | 2036650 | 2 |
Linden | 2037011 | 7 |
Lindos (Rhodes) | 2035684 | 7 |
Lindos (Rhodes) | 2028626 | 1 |
Lingbao | 2035842 | 21 |
Lingbi | 2028460 | 1 |
Linworth | 2028506 | 15 |
Lipara (Sicily) | 2036221 | 2 |
Lisbon | 2037594 | 3 |
Little Rock | 2028541 | 31 |
Liverpool | 2037080 | 35 |
Liège | 2035212 | 2 |
Lockhart | 2036997 | 2 |
Lockport | 2037012 | 10 |
Logan | 2028568 | 2 |
Loire Valley | 2035227 | 1 |
Lokeren | 2037193 | 4 |
Lokris | 2035981 | 1 |
Lokris Opuntii (Lokris) | 2035982 | 20 |
Lokroi Epizephyrioi | 2028239 | 21 |
Lokroi Epizephyroi (Bruttium) | 2036542 | 0 |
Lombardy | 2028679 | 10 |
Lombardy (North Italy) | 2036414 | 1 |
Londinium (Britain) | 2036334 | 16 |
London | 2028490 | 80 |
London | 2028270 | 870 |
Londonderry | 2040111 | 2 |
Long Beach | 2036845 | 1 |
Long Island | 2037149 | 24 |
Longane (Sicily) | 2038778 | 0 |
Longmen | 2035857 | 5 |
Longquan | 2035802 | 19 |
Lorain | 2037186 | 3 |
Lorraine | 2029596 | 4 |
Los Angeles | 2028451 | 56 |
Louisiana | 2028517 | 16 |
Louisville | 2037103 | 21 |
Louvain | 2036939 | 85 |
Lowell | 2037105 | 21 |
Lower Rhine Valley (Gaul) | 2036206 | 1 |
Lower Saxony | 2035312 | 9 |
Lowville | 2037013 | 11 |
Lucani (Lucania) | 2038751 | 0 |
Lucania | 2029728 | 5 |
Lucca | 2029541 | 3 |
Luceria (Apulia) | 2036461 | 10 |
Lucerne | 2039789 | 9 |
Lucknow | 2029052 | 8 |
Ludlow | 2037240 | 17 |
Ludwigsburg | 2038623 | 0 |
Ludwigshafen | 2039946 | 26 |
Lugano | 2037273 | 1 |
Lugdunum (Gaul) | 2035961 | 113 |
Luristan (Iran) | 2028225 | 143 |
Luxor | 2040001 | 2 |
Lycaonia | 2035540 | 0 |
Lycia | 2029746 | 33 |
Lycosura (Arkadia) | 2036060 | 2 |
Lydia | 2028617 | 24 |
Lyonnais | 2033728 | 0 |
Lyons | 2033729 | 305 |
Lyons | 2037014 | 23 |
Lyrbe (Pisidia) | 2035559 | 1 |
Lysimacheia (Thrace) | 2035714 | 9 |
Lysinia (Pisidia) | 2036572 | 1 |
Lyttosi (Crete) | 2035635 | 22 |
Lâdik | 2035438 | 2 |
Lövvik | 2030009 | 2 |
Lübeck | 2033833 | 72 |
Ma'rib (Arabia) | 2037288 | 1 |
Maastricht | 2035214 | 1 |
Macedonia | 2028610 | 238 |
Macedonia or Thessaly | 2028631 | 3 |
Machias | 2037016 | 4 |
Madaba (Arabia) | 2036656 | 1 |
Madhya Pradesh | 2035433 | 0 |
Madrid | 2035285 | 1 |
Madytos (Thrace) | 2036601 | 1 |
Maeonia (Lydia) | 2036355 | 4 |
Magnesia ad Meandron (Ionia) | 2035562 | 38 |
Magnesia ad Sipylum (Lydia) | 2036354 | 14 |
Magydus (Pamphylia) | 2035530 | 3 |
Maharashtra | 2029859 | 4 |
Maine | 2035218 | 0 |
Maine | 2028930 | 9 |
Mainz | 2033821 | 7 |
Makhachkala | 2039393 | 0 |
Malaca (Hispania) | 2036733 | 3 |
Malawi | 2040070 | 0 |
Malaysia | 2028561 | 3 |
Malden | 2037342 | 14 |
Mali | 2029999 | 3 |
Mallos (Cilicia) | 2035529 | 19 |
Malone | 2037017 | 4 |
Malpura | 2035882 | 4 |
Malta | 2038490 | 11 |
Malta (Melita) | 2035740 | 8 |
Malwa | 2043623 | 16 |
Mamaroneck | 2029912 | 1 |
Mamertinoi (Sicily) | 2036466 | 17 |
Manchester | 2028700 | 39 |
Manchester | 2036754 | 43 |
Mandi | 2035430 | 1 |
Manitoba | 2040109 | 0 |
Mankot | 2035435 | 0 |
Mannheim | 2038624 | 1 |
Mantua | 2029109 | 10 |
Maraga | 2035420 | 2 |
Marathos (Phoenicia) | 2036247 | 9 |
Maraussan | 2037768 | 1 |
Marches | 2033793 | 3 |
Marcianopolis (Moesia Inferior) | 2036608 | 6 |
Marcianopolis (Syria) | 2035561 | 0 |
Marcus Hook | 2037243 | 19 |
Mardin | 2036441 | 4 |
Margiane (Margiana) | 2039975 | 1 |
Marianna | 2037165 | 2 |
Marienberg | 2037752 | 1 |
Marion | 2028497 | 20 |
Markazi province | 2029104 | 4 |
Marked Tree | 2028519 | 16 |
Markesan | 2038443 | 2 |
Marlik (Iran) | 2035510 | 1 |
Maroneia (Thrace) | 2035711 | 23 |
Marquesas Islands | 2035271 | 1 |
Marseilles | 2037094 | 6 |
Martha's Vineyard | 2036163 | 10 |
Martinique | 2029820 | 1 |
Marwar | 2029033 | 6 |
Maryland | 2028483 | 8 |
Marysville | 2028496 | 26 |
Mashhad | 2036875 | 5 |
Masikytes (Lycia) | 2036648 | 10 |
Massachusetts | 2028264 | 797 |
Massalia (Gaul) | 2035570 | 22 |
Mateolum (Apulia)? | 2038740 | 0 |
Mathura | 2042380 | 2 |
Mauretania | 2035738 | 13 |
Mauritius | 2039387 | 7 |
Maynard | 2037204 | 11 |
Maynardville | 2028532 | 28 |
Mayyafariqin | 2036438 | 1 |
McClellanville | 2036899 | 1 |
Mechanicsburg | 2028489 | 77 |
Medeon (Akarnania) | 2036698 | 1 |
Medfield | 2038313 | 13 |
Mediolanum (Gaul) | 2035971 | 2 |
Mediolanum (North Italy) | 2036323 | 10 |
Medma (Bruttium) | 2038759 | 0 |
Megalopolis (Arkadia) | 2035983 | 19 |
Megalopolis (Pontus) | 2036821 | 0 |
Megara (Megaris) | 2035615 | 14 |
Megara Hyblaia (Sicily) | 2038779 | 0 |
Megaris | 2035614 | 8 |
Meissen | 2035133 | 98 |
Meldi (Gaul) | 2036738 | 1 |
Meliboea (Thessaly) | 2036688 | 1 |
Melos | 2029681 | 46 |
Melos (Aegean Islands) | 2036835 | 5 |
Memphis | 2040087 | 1 |
Memphis | 2028531 | 8 |
Menaion (Sicily) | 2036496 | 3 |
Mende (Macedonia) | 2035694 | 49 |
Menemsha | 2036217 | 2 |
Mentone | 2037095 | 3 |
Merida | 2036167 | 1 |
Meroë | 2039797 | 1 |
Mesembria (Thrace) | 2035722 | 15 |
Mesopotamia | 2028331 | 42 |
Messana (Sicily) | 2035590 | 28 |
Messene (Messenia) | 2035630 | 9 |
Messenia | 2035628 | 0 |
Metapontion (Lucania) | 2035960 | 70 |
Metapontum (Lucania) | 2038752 | 0 |
Methana/Arsinoe (Argolis) | 2038877 | 0 |
Methymna (Lesbos) | 2035990 | 2 |
Methymna (Lesbos) | 2036832 | 4 |
Metropolis (Ionia) | 2035676 | 7 |
Meudon | 2029949 | 3 |
Mewar | 2029041 | 22 |
Mewar at Udaipur or Devgarh | 2029046 | 1 |
Mexico | 2029070 | 57 |
Mexico | 2037018 | 7 |
Mexico City | 2035289 | 10 |
Miami Beach | 2029932 | 2 |
Mianzhu | 2035844 | 6 |
Michigan | 2029867 | 3 |
Middle East | 2028350 | 387 |
Middleboro | 2028534 | 9 |
Middleburgh | 2037019 | 8 |
Middletown | 2035206 | 1 |
Middletown | 2037242 | 18 |
Middleville | 2037020 | 5 |
Midland | 2037166 | 11 |
Milan | 2028680 | 55 |
Milas | 2035487 | 2 |
Miletopolis (Mysia) | 2036394 | 3 |
Miletos (Ionia) | 2035707 | 57 |
Milton | 2037357 | 1 |
Milwaukee | 2037084 | 44 |
Mineville | 2037159 | 10 |
Minneapolis | 2037091 | 21 |
Minnesota | 2036889 | 260 |
Minoa (Amorgos) | 2036859 | 1 |
Mint of the Camp (Sicily) | 2036245 | 20 |
Misseoula | 2029900 | 0 |
Mississippi | 2028521 | 54 |
Mississippi County | 2036876 | 0 |
Missouri | 2029978 | 3 |
Moesia Inferior | 2035565 | 0 |
Moesia Superior | 2036482 | 0 |
Mongolia | 2028365 | 4 |
Montana | 2029895 | 9 |
Monterey | 2030002 | 2 |
Monterrey | 2039944 | 2 |
Monticello | 2037021 | 7 |
Montjavoult | 2037260 | 7 |
Montpellier | 2037109 | 3 |
Montreal | 2029984 | 7 |
Mopsos (Cilicia) | 2035557 | 9 |
Morgantina (Sicily) | 2036779 | 1 |
Morgantown | 2028535 | 12 |
Morocco | 2035371 | 14 |
Moscow | 2035164 | 9 |
Moscow? | 2035236 | 1 |
Mostene (Lydia) | 2036356 | 1 |
Mosul | 2036436 | 5 |
Mothone (Messenia) | 2035632 | 4 |
Motya (Sicily) | 2038780 | 1 |
Mount Athos | 2035239 | 3 |
Mount Qilian | 2028457 | 0 |
Moutiers-Saint-Jean | 2035152 | 14 |
Moving Mint | 2039509 | 30 |
Mozambique | 2040069 | 0 |
Mstera | 2035238 | 1 |
Mstera? | 2035165 | 1 |
Mt. Lebanon | 2037275 | 43 |
Mulhouse | 2037117 | 0 |
Munich | 2029808 | 28 |
Munich-Perlach | 2038601 | 19 |
Murfreesboro | 2028545 | 6 |
Murom (Central Russia) | 2035237 | 1 |
Murshidabad | 2035366 | 1 |
Mussoorie | 2029833 | 1 |
Mycenae (Argolis) | 2029664 | 74 |
Mykalessos (Boeotia) | 2036802 | 1 |
Mykonos | 2036863 | 1 |
Mylasa (Caria) | 2035682 | 9 |
Myndos (Caria) | 2036715 | 4 |
Myra (Lycia) | 2036649 | 1 |
Myriandros (Syria) | 2036239 | 2 |
Myrikion (Macedonia) | 2036464 | 0 |
Myrina (Aiolis) | 2036407 | 11 |
Myrleia (Bithynia) | 2036390 | 2 |
Mysia | 2035658 | 11 |
Mysore | 2039401 | 1 |
Mysore or Tanjore | 2035461 | 1 |
Mytilene (Lesbos) | 2036450 | 0 |
Mytilene (Lesbos) | 2035764 | 29 |
Mytistratos (Sicily) | 2038781 | 0 |
Myus (Ionia) | 2036410 | 1 |
Mâcon | 2035220 | 2 |
Mülhausen | 2037265 | 9 |
Nabataea (Arabia) | 2036655 | 3 |
Nagano | 2038678 | 2 |
Nagidos (Cilicia) | 2037285 | 3 |
Nakone (Sicily) | 2038782 | 0 |
Namur | 2038521 | 8 |
Nancy | 2032218 | 2 |
Nantasket Beach | 2037089 | 1 |
Nantucket | 2029869 | 0 |
Nanty Glo | 2028567 | 9 |
Naples | 2029086 | 54 |
Nara | 2028565 | 61 |
Nara Prefecture | 2028564 | 3 |
Narbo Martius (Gaul) | 2036331 | 5 |
Nashua | 2037264 | 18 |
Nashville | 2028524 | 23 |
Natchez | 2028525 | 50 |
Nathadwara | 2040374 | 9 |
Naxos (Aegean Islands) | 2036543 | 11 |
Naxos (Sicily) | 2028375 | 12 |
Neandreia (Troas) | 2036402 | 3 |
Neapolis (Campania) | 2035572 | 37 |
Neapolis (Caria) | 2036716 | 1 |
Neapolis (Macedonia) | 2036142 | 13 |
Neapolis (Palestine) | 2036664 | 14 |
Neapolis Peucetiae (Apulia) | 2038741 | 0 |
Nebraska | 2029901 | 9 |
Nemausus (Gaul) | 2035944 | 9 |
Neocaesareia (Pontus) | 2035753 | 5 |
Nepal | 2035424 | 116 |
Neretum/Naretum (Calabria) | 2038747 | 0 |
Nesos (Lesbos) | 2042218 | 0 |
Nessos (Kolchis) | 2037476 | 0 |
Netherlands | 2028344 | 2702 |
Nethers | 2029902 | 0 |
Nevada | 2036869 | 13 |
New Bedford | 2029990 | 14 |
New Brunswick | 2029993 | 0 |
New Brunswick | 2029799 | 0 |
New Carlisle | 2028494 | 70 |
New Hampshire | 2028821 | 226 |
New Hampton | 2028569 | 70 |
New Haven | 2029801 | 1 |
New Jersey | 2028570 | 73 |
New Mexico | 2029069 | 43 |
New Orleans | 2028544 | 100 |
New Paltz | 2037022 | 5 |
New York | 2029974 | 2 |
New York | 2028439 | 468 |
New York | 2028689 | 123 |
New York ? | 2037077 | 1 |
New York City | 2028276 | 1612 |
New York City | 2028444 | 1229 |
New York City? | 2037078 | 1 |
New York State | 2028275 | 127 |
New Zealand | 2029613 | 3 |
Newark | 2028495 | 19 |
Newark | 2036279 | 86 |
Newark | 2037062 | 25 |
Newburgh | 2036964 | 29 |
Newburyport | 2029105 | 3 |
Newcastle | 2028915 | 4 |
Newport | 2029883 | 2 |
Newport | 2038307 | 7 |
Newport News | 2037191 | 3 |
Newton Lower Falls | 2040124 | 1 |
Niagara Falls | 2029991 | 24 |
Nicaragua | 2036786 | 3 |
Nicholson Hollow | 2029899 | 0 |
Nicomedia | 2040453 | 3 |
Nicopolis ad Nestum (Thrace) | 2036596 | 2 |
Nigeria | 2035270 | 5 |
Nikaia (Bithynia) | 2036025 | 264 |
Nikomedeia (Bithynia) | 2035969 | 211 |
Nikopolis (Epiros) | 2036697 | 16 |
Nikopolis ad Istrum (Moesia Inferior) | 2035566 | 11 |
Nile Valley (Egypt) | 2029643 | 0 |
Nineveh (Assyria) | 2039976 | 0 |
Nineveh (Assyria) | 2038880 | 0 |
Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region | 2042237 | 6 |
Ninika (Cilicia) | 2035725 | 3 |
Nisa - Mithradatkart (Media) | 2039977 | 2 |
Nishapur | 2035402 | 15 |
Nishapur or Samarkand | 2036874 | 4 |
Nisibis-Antiocheia (Mesopotamia) | 2035734 | 10 |
Nisyros (Caria) | 2035727 | 4 |
Noisiel | 2037111 | 1 |
Nola (Campania) | 2035953 | 2 |
Nord-Pas-de-Calais | 2035209 | 1 |
Norfolk | 2039350 | 0 |
Norfolk | 2037249 | 1 |
Normandy | 2031132 | 19 |
North Africa | 2029777 | 32 |
North America | 2028212 | 20 |
North America? | 2037247 | 0 |
North Bessemer | 2037763 | 2 |
North Billerica | 2037238 | 17 |
North Boscawen | 2038261 | 9 |
North Carolina | 2028585 | 126 |
North Caucasus | 2035489 | 1 |
North Central Italy | 2039382 | 3 |
North Chelmsford | 2038297 | 24 |
North Gaul | 2036208 | 2 |
North Germany | 2035301 | 1 |
North Italy | 2028625 | 10 |
North Plymouth | 2037241 | 1 |
North Rhine-Westphalia | 2029903 | 0 |
North Russia | 2035262 | 1 |
Northampton | 2038322 | 22 |
Northern Afghanistan | 2035403 | 2 |
Northern Egypt | 2035372 | 118 |
Northern Egypt | 2029753 | 0 |
Northern France | 2035144 | 1 |
Northern Greece | 2028230 | 25 |
Northern Greece? | 2028614 | 2 |
Northern India | 2035140 | 14 |
Northern Ireland | 2035230 | 0 |
Northern Italy | 2029195 | 29 |
Northern Syria | 2035392 | 0 |
Northern Syria | 2028636 | 16 |
Northern Tunisia | 2036679 | 0 |
Northumberland | 2039347 | 0 |
Northwest Europe | 2029739 | 1 |
Northwestern Syria | 2038845 | 7 |
Norvelt | 2028528 | 5 |
Norway | 2028422 | 22 |
Norwood | 2037179 | 1 |
Nova Scotia | 2037005 | 4 |
Nubia | 2029844 | 1 |
Nubia | 2029017 | 5 |
Nuceria (Bruttium) | 2038764 | 0 |
Nuceria Altafernia (Campania) | 2035954 | 2 |
Numidia | 2036267 | 7 |
Numidia and Mauretania | 2035999 | 7 |
Nuremberg | 2037073 | 0 |
Nurpur | 2035455 | 2 |
Nusaybin | 2036440 | 1 |
Nuzi (Mesopotamia) | 2028332 | 37 |
Nymphenburg | 2035292 | 17 |
Nysa (Lydia) | 2035757 | 4 |
Nysa Scythopolis (Palestine) | 2036663 | 2 |
Nüremberg | 2033822 | 24 |
Oak Bluffs | 2036214 | 1 |
Oak Summit | 2037023 | 16 |
Oakdale | 2037143 | 114 |
Oberhausen | 2037216 | 1 |
Obulco (Hispania) | 2036005 | 3 |
Oceania | 2029027 | 4 |
Odessos (Moesia Inferior) | 2035749 | 16 |
Oea (Syrtica) | 2036814 | 4 |
Ogdensburg | 2036955 | 22 |
Ohio | 2028431 | 782 |
Oiniadai (Akarnania) | 2035974 | 3 |
Oinoe (Ikaros) | 2036826 | 2 |
Oise | 2035217 | 2 |
Okinawa Prefecture | 2035491 | 71 |
Oklahoma | 2037541 | 4 |
Olba (Cilicia) | 2036670 | 2 |
Olbia (Thrace) | 2035717 | 27 |
Old Arsenal Prison | 2029812 | 1 |
Old Rag | 2029898 | 0 |
Olontigi (Hispania) | 2036734 | 1 |
Olousi (Crete) | 2036854 | 3 |
Olten | 2037775 | 1 |
Olympia | 2028616 | 1 |
Olympia (?) | 2028593 | 1 |
Olympia (Elis) | 2035625 | 2 |
Olympia (Elis)? | 2028589 | 1 |
Olympos (Lycia) | 2035525 | 2 |
Olynthos (Macedonia) | 2028611 | 65 |
Omaha | 2036758 | 0 |
Omar | 2028488 | 64 |
Ontario | 2029944 | 2 |
Onuba (Hispania) | 2039737 | 1 |
Oppenheim | 2033836 | 1 |
Orange Valley | 2038328 | 6 |
Orchomenos (Arkadia) | 2035641 | 3 |
Orchomenos (Boeotia) | 2036492 | 6 |
Ordos | 2035807 | 0 |
Oregon | 2036756 | 7 |
Orescia (Macedonia) | 2036231 | 1 |
Orikos (Illyria) | 2036694 | 1 |
Orippo (Hispania) | 2036003 | 1 |
Orissa | 2035347 | 6 |
Orleanais | 2037588 | 0 |
Orleans | 2037589 | 0 |
Orsantini (Lucania) | 2036748 | 1 |
Orthagoreia (Macedonia) | 2035697 | 3 |
Orthez | 2033769 | 1 |
Orthosia (Phoenicia) | 2036636 | 2 |
Osage | 2028487 | 7 |
Osaka | 2035833 | 1 |
Osaka Metropolitan Area | 2035832 | 0 |
Osca (Hispania) | 2039739 | 6 |
Oslo | 2038852 | 0 |
Osset (Hispania) | 2036001 | 2 |
Ossipee | 2038262 | 7 |
Ostia (Latium) | 2036320 | 11 |
Oswego | 2036956 | 14 |
Otsu | 2035879 | 1 |
Ottawa | 2038344 | 1 |
Oudenaarde | 2035473 | 14 |
Overbrook | 2037058 | 1 |
Owego | 2037025 | 7 |
Oxford | 2037592 | 0 |
Oxford | 2037044 | 17 |
Ozarks | 2028516 | 79 |
Padua | 2029384 | 21 |
Paeonia | 2036140 | 10 |
Paestum (Lucania) | 2035577 | 30 |
Pahari | 2035331 | 1 |
Pahari Region | 2043621 | 9 |
Pakistan | 2028359 | 9 |
Pal/Mol (Lucania) | 2038753 | 0 |
Palaikastroi (Crete) | 2029693 | 4 |
Pale (Kephallenia) | 2036806 | 3 |
Palencia | 2035156 | 6 |
Palermo | 2028770 | 7 |
Palestine | 2035436 | 2 |
Palestine | 2029842 | 28 |
Palestine-Arabia | 2036049 | 3 |
Pallantion (Arkadia) | 2036501 | 2 |
Pallanum or Paeligni (Frentani)? | 2038725 | 0 |
Palmer | 2038309 | 118 |
Palmerton | 2037168 | 27 |
Palmyra (Syria) | 2029659 | 7 |
Palo Alto | 2036172 | 1 |
Paltos (Syria) | 2036810 | 1 |
Pamphylia | 2035519 | 1 |
Panama | 2029855 | 87 |
Pandosia (Bruttium) | 2038763 | 0 |
Panemoteichos (Pisidia) | 2036584 | 1 |
Pannonia | 2035965 | 0 |
Pannonia (Uncertain Mint) | 2036145 | 14 |
Panormos (Sicily) | 2035741 | 23 |
Pantikapaion (Cimmerian Bosporus) | 2035656 | 75 |
Papeete | 2029029 | 27 |
Paphlagonia | 2035754 | 16 |
Paphos (Cyprus) | 2035987 | 2 |
Parion (Mysia) | 2036028 | 24 |
Paris | 2028673 | 1021 |
Parlais (Pisidia) | 2036675 | 2 |
Parma | 2029416 | 13 |
Paropos (Sicily) | 2038783 | 0 |
Paroreia (Macedonia) | 2035698 | 3 |
Paros (Aegean Islands) | 2036462 | 20 |
Parthenay | 2035187 | 1 |
Parthia | 2035733 | 19 |
Pasadena | 2036505 | 6 |
Passaic | 2038360 | 8 |
Patara (Lycia) | 2036556 | 3 |
Patna | 2035365 | 0 |
Patrai (Achaia) | 2035622 | 20 |
Patras (Paeonia) | 2036150 | 2 |
Pautalia (Thrace) | 2037687 | 1 |
Pavia | 2033787 | 1 |
Pawtucket | 2029953 | 1 |
Peacedale | 2037246 | 1 |
Pednelissos (Pisidia) | 2036674 | 1 |
Pella (Macedonia) | 2035705 | 41 |
Pella (Sikyonia) | 2036235 | 1 |
Pellene (Achaia) | 2035623 | 6 |
Pellinna (Thrace) | 2035596 | 0 |
Peloponesos | 2028630 | 0 |
Peloponnesus | 2028364 | 16 |
Peltai (Phrygia) | 2037490 | 1 |
Pembroke | 2038265 | 7 |
Penn Yan | 2037026 | 5 |
Pennsylvania | 2028513 | 115 |
Peparethos (Thessaly) | 2036692 | 4 |
Pergamene Kingdom | 2037740 | 1 |
Pergamon (Mysia) | 2035663 | 61 |
Pergamum (Mysia) | 2038876 | 1 |
Perge (Pamphylia) | 2035556 | 115 |
Perinthos (Thrace) | 2035724 | 5 |
Peripoloi Pitanatai (Samnium) | 2038722 | 0 |
Perryville | 2037107 | 12 |
Persepolis (Persia) | 2029705 | 6 |
Persia | 2035972 | 30 |
Persis | 2040399 | 1 |
Peru | 2029676 | 15 |
Perugia | 2035470 | 1 |
Peshawar | 2036148 | 3 |
Pessinus (Galatia) | 2036586 | 1 |
Petaluma | 2040002 | 2 |
Petelia (Bruttium) | 2038760 | 1 |
Petelia (Calabria) | 2036541 | 4 |
Petra (Arabia) | 2038870 | 4 |
Petra (Sicily) | 2038784 | 0 |
Pforzheim | 2037784 | 2 |
Phaistos (Crete) | 2036051 | 22 |
Phalanna (Thessaly) | 2036689 | 5 |
Phalasarnai (Crete) | 2036052 | 8 |
Phanagoreia (Bosporos) | 2036544 | 3 |
Pharnakeia (Pontus) | 2035660 | 3 |
Pharos (Illyria) | 2036695 | 2 |
Pharsalos (Thessaly) | 2035973 | 10 |
Phaselis (Lycia) | 2036647 | 8 |
Pheneos (Arkadia) | 2035985 | 4 |
Pherai (Thessaly) | 2036690 | 3 |
Phigaleia (Arkadia) | 2035642 | 1 |
Philadelphia | 2028656 | 228 |
Philadelphia (Cilicia) | 2036564 | 2 |
Philadelphia (Lydia) | 2029752 | 10 |
Philadelphia (Lydia) | 2036750 | 1 |
Philadelphia Arabiae | 2035555 | 1 |
Philippi (Macedonia) | 2035699 | 10 |
Philippines | 2035860 | 21 |
Philippopolis (Macedonia) | 2036597 | 1 |
Philippopolis-Trimontium (Moesia Inferior) | 2036607 | 1 |
Philisto-Arabia | 2037638 | 2 |
Phillipsburg | 2039732 | 3 |
Philomelium (Phrygia) | 2036374 | 4 |
Phistelia (Campania) | 2035955 | 6 |
Phliasia | 2035616 | 0 |
Phlius (Phliasia) | 2035617 | 13 |
Phoenicia | 2035544 | 4 |
Phoenix | 2038507 | 1 |
Phoenix Mills | 2037027 | 8 |
Phokaia (Ionia) | 2036048 | 20 |
Phokis | 2035604 | 15 |
Phrygia | 2028638 | 4 |
Phylakopi (Melos) | 2029682 | 17 |
Piakos (Sicily) | 2038785 | 0 |
Picardy | 2034897 | 0 |
Picenum | 2036457 | 0 |
Piemonte | 2029959 | 1 |
Pimolisa (Paphlagonia) | 2036021 | 2 |
Pisa | 2035158 | 4 |
Pisidia | 2029743 | 1 |
Pitane (Mysia) | 2036395 | 3 |
Pittsburgh | 2029881 | 138 |
Pittsford | 2040107 | 1 |
Plain City | 2028493 | 77 |
Plakeia (Mysia) | 2035670 | 2 |
Plaquemines | 2028538 | 84 |
Plaquemines Parish | 2028566 | 6 |
Pleasant Unity | 2028537 | 3 |
Pleasantville | 2036957 | 100 |
Plotinopolis (Thrace) | 2035748 | 1 |
Pogla (Pisidia) | 2035521 | 2 |
Pointe á la Hache | 2028539 | 12 |
Poitiers | 2033773 | 1 |
Poitou | 2033772 | 0 |
Poland | 2035281 | 6 |
Polyrhenioni (Crete) | 2035915 | 15 |
Pomorskie | 2035282 | 0 |
Pompeii (Campania) | 2029018 | 4 |
Pompelo (Hispania) | 2036191 | 2 |
Pontus | 2035515 | 33 |
Populonia (Etruria) | 2035946 | 5 |
Pordenone | 2039749 | 3 |
Port Sunlight | 2037231 | 25 |
Portland | 2036757 | 1 |
Portland | 2037792 | 1 |
Portsmouth | 2037181 | 9 |
Portugal | 2037593 | 419 |
Poseidon (Karpathos) | 2036829 | 1 |
Poseidonia (Lucania) | 2035998 | 21 |
Potidaia (Macedonia) | 2036232 | 3 |
Potosí | 2043299 | 0 |
Potsdam | 2040206 | 70 |
Poughkeepsie | 2037028 | 10 |
Praeneste (Latium) | 2029780 | 1 |
Prague | 2036760 | 6 |
Prague | 2038854 | 0 |
Prague | 2038890 | 0 |
Prague (Bohemia) | 2035251 | 1 |
Praisos (Crete) | 2035916 | 7 |
Preston | 2037029 | 11 |
Priansosi (Crete) | 2036831 | 11 |
Priapus (Mysia) | 2036396 | 2 |
Priene (Ionia) | 2036411 | 5 |
Proctor | 2037156 | 2 |
Prokonesos (Mysia) | 2035665 | 3 |
Prosopites Nomos (Egypt) | 2036620 | 1 |
Prostanna (Pisidia) | 2036581 | 1 |
Provence | 2029892 | 5 |
Providence | 2029807 | 28 |
Provincia (Gaul) | 2036189 | 2 |
Prusa ad Olympum (Bithynia) | 2036026 | 6 |
Prusias ad Hypium (Bithynia) | 2036558 | 1 |
Prymnessus (Phrygia) | 2036375 | 3 |
Ptolemais-Barke (Cyrenaica) | 2036619 | 1 |
Ptolemaïs-Ake (Phoenicia) | 2036240 | 13 |
Pueblo | 2037235 | 17 |
Puerto Rico | 2043319 | 0 |
Pulaski County | 2028430 | 79 |
Punjab | 2035355 | 4 |
Punjab | 2028360 | 0 |
Punjab Hills | 2029055 | 3 |
Puri | 2035348 | 2 |
Pydna (Macedonia) | 2036605 | 1 |
Pyrenees | 2033768 | 0 |
Pyrrha (Lesbos) | 2037475 | 1 |
Périgord | 2035224 | 19 |
Qazvin | 2035902 | 8 |
Qazvin or Isfahan | 2035904 | 0 |
Qazvin? | 2036749 | 296 |
Qingdao | 2028472 | 0 |
Qinghai province | 2042236 | 0 |
Qixia | 2028480 | 0 |
Quebec | 2029983 | 2 |
Queens | 2039735 | 1 |
Quercy | 2035225 | 2 |
Quincy | 2037780 | 1 |
Quito | 2043303 | 0 |
Quyang | 2035827 | 37 |
Rabbathmoab (Arabia) | 2035527 | 2 |
Raidan (Arabia) | 2037289 | 2 |
Rajasthan | 2028377 | 67 |
Ramleh | 2029843 | 1 |
Ramnad | 2036158 | 1 |
Raphanea (Syria) | 2036298 | 1 |
Raqqa | 2035393 | 3 |
Ras Melqart (Sicily) | 2036243 | 6 |
Ratingen | 2037217 | 2 |
Ravenna (North Italy) | 2036521 | 17 |
Rayy | 2036429 | 1 |
Red House | 2028530 | 22 |
Reedsville | 2028584 | 1 |
Regensburg | 2035276 | 1 |
Resaina (Mesopotamia) | 2036654 | 15 |
Reutlingen | 2037228 | 3 |
Revere | 2038330 | 15 |
Revere Beach | 2037090 | 3 |
Rhagai (Hyrcania) | 2039978 | 16 |
Rhaukosi (Crete) | 2036824 | 12 |
Rhegion (Bruttium) | 2035580 | 37 |
Rhineland Palatinate | 2033820 | 16 |
Rhithymnai (Crete) | 2036855 | 3 |
Rhode Island | 2029806 | 20 |
Rhodes | 2029719 | 4 |
Rhodes | 2028613 | 9 |
Rhodes | 2035494 | 65 |
Rhodes (Aegean Islands) | 2037739 | 1 |
Rhone | 2035207 | 2 |
Rhosos (Syria) | 2036297 | 1 |
Richmond | 2029946 | 3 |
Rio de Janeiro | 2029986 | 1 |
Rochdale | 2040100 | 4 |
Rochester | 2036947 | 58 |
Rockingham | 2036249 | 5 |
Roebling | 2037157 | 7 |
Romania | 2037584 | 4 |
Rome | 2028274 | 151 |
Rome | 2037031 | 61 |
Rome (Latium) | 2029730 | 1960 |
Romford | 2040099 | 2 |
Romula (Hispania) | 2036478 | 4 |
Roosevelt | 2028575 | 7 |
Rostock | 2037751 | 1 |
Rotomagus (Britain) | 2038627 | 0 |
Rouen | 2031133 | 6 |
Roxbury | 2038318 | 13 |
Rubi (Apulia) | 2035574 | 7 |
Russellton | 2037764 | 2 |
Russia | 2029862 | 25 |
Rutland | 2038252 | 43 |
Río de la Plata, Viceroyalty of | 2043619 | 0 |
Rügen | 2040207 | 0 |
Sabrata (Syrtica) | 2036579 | 2 |
Saetabis (Hispania) | 2036006 | 1 |
Sagalassos (Pisidia) | 2035542 | 15 |
Saguntum (Hispania) | 2035743 | 5 |
Sahagun | 2035248 | 2 |
Saint Denis | 2035149 | 1 |
Saitta (Lydia) | 2036032 | 5 |
Sakastan (Scythia) | 2038893 | 1 |
Sala (Lydia) | 2036357 | 3 |
Sala (Mauretania) | 2038970 | 0 |
Salamis (Attica) | 2036701 | 9 |
Salamis (Cyprus) | 2029718 | 25 |
Salapia (Apulia) | 2036746 | 2 |
Salem | 2029821 | 0 |
Salzburg | 2029967 | 0 |
Samadion (Apulia) | 2038742 | 0 |
Samaria (Palestine) | 2038844 | 19 |
Samarkand | 2036443 | 5 |
Same (Kephallenia) | 2036850 | 2 |
Samnium | 2035947 | 1 |
Samos (Ionian Islands) | 2036448 | 52 |
Samosata (Commagene) | 2035912 | 8 |
Samothrake (Aegean Islands) | 2036307 | 10 |
San Fernando | 2029886 | 0 |
San Francisco | 2029795 | 87 |
San Marcos | 2029915 | 1 |
San Remo | 2037270 | 2 |
Sandringham | 2036753 | 0 |
Sandwich | 2040447 | 0 |
Santa Barbara | 2029853 | 2 |
Santiago de Compostela | 2035181 | 1 |
Sao Paulo | 2036099 | 3 |
Saqqara (Egypt) | 2038848 | 4 |
Saramana (Hyrcania) | 2039979 | 0 |
Sarasota | 2037373 | 8 |
Sardinia | 2028608 | 10 |
Sardinia? | 2036538 | 1 |
Sardis (Lydia) | 2028618 | 134 |
Sarmatia (Thrace) | 2035913 | 2 |
Saudi Arabia | 2035448 | 0 |
Savannah | 2029879 | 2 |
Sawar | 2029043 | 4 |
Saxony | 2029793 | 2 |
Saxony-Anhalt | 2033837 | 0 |
Scandinavia | 2037310 | 0 |
Schenectady | 2037033 | 36 |
Schleswig-Holstein | 2033832 | 0 |
Schweinfurt | 2029972 | 0 |
Scotland | 2029087 | 117 |
Scotts Run | 2028434 | 74 |
Scythia | 2029658 | 9 |
Sebaste (Palestine) | 2036662 | 6 |
Sebaste (Phrygia) | 2036376 | 4 |
Sebastopolis (Pontus) | 2035752 | 2 |
Segesta (Sicily) | 2035988 | 15 |
Segobriga (Hispania) | 2036007 | 4 |
Segundo | 2037233 | 4 |
Seine-et-Marne | 2040199 | 95 |
Sekaisa (Hispania) | 2036726 | 1 |
Sekia (Hispania) | 2036725 | 1 |
Seleucia on the Tigris (Mesopotamia) | 2039980 | 0 |
Seleukeia ad Kalykadnos (Cilicia) | 2035553 | 19 |
Seleukeia ad Tigrim (Syria) | 2036268 | 26 |
Seleukeia Pieria (Syria) | 2035742 | 12 |
Seleukis and Pieria (Syria) | 2036296 | 6 |
Selge (Pisidia) | 2036476 | 28 |
Selinous (Sicily) | 2035980 | 21 |
Selinus (Cilicia) | 2035533 | 2 |
Seneca Falls | 2037032 | 5 |
Sepphoris (Palestine) | 2036665 | 9 |
Serbia | 2036419 | 4 |
Serdaioi (Lucania) | 2038754 | 0 |
Serdica (Thrace) | 2036598 | 6 |
Seriphos (Aegean Islands) | 2036819 | 3 |
Sermyle (Macedonia) | 2036233 | 1 |
Sesamus (Paphlagonia) | 2036387 | 1 |
Sestos (Thrace) | 2036602 | 1 |
Seville | 2035244 | 1 |
Sevres | 2035145 | 16 |
Sexi (Hispania) | 2035768 | 1 |
Shaanxi province | 2035803 | 10 |
Shandong province | 2028470 | 17 |
Shanghai | 2040128 | 5 |
Shanglinhu | 2035874 | 12 |
Shanxi province | 2035834 | 2 |
Shaoxing | 2035940 | 12 |
Sheffield | 2035138 | 23 |
Shiga Prefecture | 2035815 | 3 |
Shiraz | 2035369 | 158 |
Shiraz? | 2035395 | 1 |
Shoushan | 2028465 | 0 |
Siberia | 2038973 | 28 |
Sichuan province | 2035840 | 18 |
Sicily | 2028374 | 41 |
Sicily | 2028769 | 11 |
Sicily (Kingdom of the Two Sicilies) | 2036417 | 4 |
Sicily or South Italy | 2029721 | 0 |
Sicily? | 2036537 | 6 |
Sicyonia | 2036234 | 0 |
Side (Pamphylia) | 2036490 | 26 |
Sidion (Apulia) | 2038743 | 0 |
Sidon (Phoenicia) | 2035545 | 32 |
Sidon or Damascus (Syria) | 2036289 | 1 |
Siemensstadt | 2040216 | 104 |
Siena | 2029192 | 63 |
Sierra Leone | 2035267 | 2 |
Sigeion (Troas) | 2036403 | 6 |
Signia (Latium) | 2038719 | 0 |
Sikeliotai (Sicily) | 2038786 | 0 |
Sikyon (Sikyonia) | 2035621 | 36 |
Sikyonia | 2035620 | 0 |
Silandus (Lydia) | 2036182 | 4 |
Silera (Sicily) | 2038787 | 0 |
Sillyon (Pamphylia) | 2036644 | 2 |
Sillyum (Pamphylia) | 2035536 | 2 |
Simla | 2029934 | 3 |
Singapore | 2028562 | 91 |
Singara (Mesopotamia) | 2036475 | 3 |
Sinope (Paphlagonia) | 2036022 | 55 |
Siphnos (Aegean Islands) | 2035648 | 1 |
Siracusa (Syracuse) | 2037606 | 2 |
Sirinos/Pyxoes (Lucania) | 2038755 | 0 |
Sirmium (Pannonia) | 2035966 | 6 |
Sirohi | 2029042 | 14 |
Siscia (Illyria) | 2036332 | 73 |
Sivas | 2037311 | 1 |
Skepsis (Troas) | 2036404 | 5 |
Skione (Macedonia) | 2029736 | 6 |
Skotussa (Thessaly) | 2035598 | 5 |
Skyline | 2028582 | 5 |
Skylletion / Skylation (Bruttium) | 2038761 | 0 |
Slovakia | 2038891 | 1 |
Slovenia | 2043625 | 9 |
Smithland | 2028580 | 7 |
Smyrna (Ionia) | 2029701 | 47 |
Smyrna (Ionia)? | 2029666 | 2 |
Sofia | 2037195 | 3 |
Soissons | 2035216 | 2 |
Solingen | 2037266 | 3 |
Soloi (Cilicia) | 2039984 | 0 |
Soloi (Cilicia) | 2039406 | 13 |
Soloi-Pompeiopolis (Cilicia) | 2036565 | 6 |
Solous (Sicily) | 2038788 | 0 |
Solus | 2036780 | 1 |
Somerset | 2039345 | 1 |
Somerset | 2028509 | 24 |
Somerville | 2036276 | 4 |
Sonyea | 2037060 | 79 |
South | 2029731 | 5 |
South | 2035307 | 2 |
South Africa | 2037006 | 71 |
South America | 2029675 | 3 |
South Arabia | 2038868 | 1 |
South Asia | 2028358 | 7 |
South Bend | 2029996 | 0 |
South Carolina | 2029907 | 13 |
South Caucasus | 2035488 | 1 |
South Dakota | 2036164 | 65 |
South Germany | 2029426 | 15 |
South Italy | 2028587 | 71 |
South Italy (Uncertain Mint) | 2036467 | 3 |
South Italy or Sicily | 2028231 | 1 |
South Italy? | 2028609 | 2 |
South Philadelphia | 2037189 | 1 |
Southampton | 2029938 | 0 |
Southeast Asia | 2028391 | 7 |
Southeastern Gaul | 2036194 | 2 |
Southern France | 2029861 | 1 |
Southern India | 2035358 | 7 |
Southern Italy | 2028650 | 7 |
Southern Sweden | 2035279 | 0 |
Southern Türkiye (Turkey) | 2037290 | 1 |
Southwest | 2029882 | 1 |
Southwest Caspian Area (Iran) | 2028643 | 1 |
Southwestern France | 2035208 | 4 |
Southwestern Syria | 2035450 | 0 |
Spain | 2028323 | 100 |
Sparrow's Point | 2037237 | 81 |
Sparta (Lakonia) | 2036084 | 2 |
Spoleto | 2039388 | 1 |
Sprakers | 2037034 | 19 |
Spring Valley | 2037269 | 3 |
Springfield | 2028503 | 15 |
Springfield | 2038299 | 83 |
Sri Lanka | 2035862 | 17 |
St. Agnes | 2029893 | 1 |
St. Augustine | 2040108 | 1 |
St. Denis | 2037110 | 4 |
St. John | 2029800 | 0 |
St. Louis | 2029979 | 186 |
St. Paul | 2037092 | 4 |
St. Petersburg | 2029982 | 24 |
Stabiae (Campania) | 2036678 | 0 |
Staffordshire | 2035161 | 5 |
Stagira (Macedonia) | 2035918 | 1 |
Staten Island | 2039753 | 8 |
Stiela (Sicily) | 2038789 | 0 |
Stobi (Macedonia) | 2036599 | 8 |
Stockel-Bois | 2037045 | 6 |
Stockholm | 2035280 | 364 |
Stornoway | 2040096 | 12 |
Stratonikeia (Caria) | 2036033 | 9 |
Stratos (Akarnania) | 2036798 | 1 |
Sturni (Calabria) | 2038748 | 0 |
Stymphalos (Arkadia) | 2035984 | 1 |
Stölpchensee | 2040215 | 27 |
Sucre | 2043301 | 0 |
Sudan | 2035134 | 164 |
Suessa Aurunca (Campania) | 2035573 | 7 |
Suffolk Downs | 2037363 | 1 |
Suisun Bay | 2037170 | 1 |
Sumatra | 2035873 | 3 |
Sumer (Mesopotamia) | 2036445 | 6 |
Sunderland | 2040098 | 1 |
Surrey | 2039341 | 3 |
Susa | 2035341 | 1 |
Susa (Iran) | 2029749 | 2 |
Susa (Persia) | 2036422 | 1 |
Susa (Susiana/Babylonia) | 2039981 | 0 |
Sussex | 2039340 | 2 |
Swabia | 2029614 | 5 |
Sweden | 2028657 | 38 |
Swinemünde | 2040210 | 3 |
Switzerland | 2029994 | 71 |
Switzerland (Gaul) | 2036203 | 6 |
Sybaris (Lucania) | 2036176 | 9 |
Syedra (Cilicia) | 2035726 | 3 |
Synaos (Phrygia) | 2036377 | 2 |
Synnada (Phrygia) | 2036378 | 7 |
Syracuse | 2036958 | 81 |
Syracuse (Sicily) | 2035592 | 606 |
Syria | 2028588 | 99 |
Syria | 2029020 | 28 |
Syria or Egypt | 2029690 | 53 |
Syria or Phoenicia | 2038846 | 2 |
Syrinx (Hyrcania) | 2039982 | 0 |
Syros (Aegean Islands) | 2035652 | 5 |
Syrtica | 2036578 | 0 |
Tabai (Caria) | 2036717 | 4 |
Tabala (Lydia) | 2036358 | 3 |
Tabasco | 2035188 | 1 |
Tabriz | 2028353 | 38 |
Tabriz? | 2035389 | 2 |
Tahiti | 2029028 | 25 |
Taipei | 2039403 | 1 |
Taiwan | 2039402 | 6 |
Tambrax (Hyrcania) | 2039983 | 0 |
Tamil Nadu | 2035141 | 8 |
Tamusia (Mauretania) | 2035739 | 2 |
Tanagra (Boeotia) | 2029651 | 26 |
Tanjore | 2035495 | 2 |
Tanzania | 2040073 | 0 |
Taos | 2039866 | 1 |
Tarentum (Apulia) | 2029706 | 2 |
Tarentum-Taras (Calabria) | 2035576 | 257 |
Tarentum? (Apulia) | 2028624 | 0 |
Tarquinia (Etruria) | 2028612 | 2 |
Tarraco (Hispania) | 2036727 | 4 |
Tarrassa | 2037773 | 1 |
Tarrytown | 2036959 | 15 |
Tarsos (Cilicia) | 2035531 | 62 |
Tarsos (Syria) | 2036283 | 1 |
Tauric Chersonesos | 2035719 | 4 |
Tauromenion (Sicily) | 2035593 | 20 |
Tavion (Galatia) | 2037496 | 1 |
Taxila (India) | 2039320 | 0 |
Taxila Sirsukh (Scythia) | 2036812 | 2 |
Taüll | 2028325 | 1 |
Teanum Sidicinum (Campania) | 2036469 | 3 |
Teate-Teanum Apulum (Apulia) | 2038745 | 0 |
Tegea (Arkadia) | 2035647 | 8 |
Teheran province | 2035458 | 1 |
Tel el'Amarna (Egypt) | 2029772 | 5 |
Telesia (Samnium) | 2038723 | 0 |
Temenouthyrai (Phrygia) | 2036131 | 1 |
Temesa (Bruttium) | 2038762 | 0 |
Temnos (Aiolis) | 2036406 | 7 |
Tempe | 2038506 | 26 |
Tenedos (Troas) | 2036503 | 4 |
Tennessee | 2028523 | 9 |
Tenos (Aegean Islands) | 2035653 | 8 |
Teos (Ionia) | 2035685 | 14 |
Teotihuacan | 2035195 | 4 |
Teplitz | 2037765 | 2 |
Terina (Bruttium) | 2035581 | 11 |
Termessos Major (Pisidia) | 2035546 | 11 |
Termessos Minor (Lycia) | 2035688 | 7 |
Terone (Macedonia) | 2035978 | 6 |
Tetrapolis (Phrygia) | 2036300 | 1 |
Tewksbury | 2037278 | 118 |
Texas | 2029817 | 31 |
Thailand | 2028392 | 292 |
Thasos (Thrace) | 2035716 | 62 |
The Hague | 2037199 | 13 |
Thebai (Thessaly) | 2036691 | 1 |
Thebes | 2029846 | 1 |
Thebes | 2038498 | 0 |
Thebes (Boeotia) | 2029684 | 47 |
Thera (Aegean Islands) | 2036823 | 7 |
Therma (Macedonia) | 2036043 | 5 |
Thermae Himerenses (Sicily) | 2036778 | 1 |
Thespiai (Boeotia) | 2036491 | 9 |
Thessalonica (Macedonia) | 2038711 | 95 |
Thessalonike (Macedonia) | 2035702 | 157 |
Thessaly | 2028243 | 144 |
Thomasville | 2036211 | 47 |
Thourioi (Lucania) | 2035578 | 55 |
Thrace | 2028639 | 45 |
Thracian Chersonesos | 2035709 | 11 |
Thraco-Macedonia | 2038610 | 0 |
Thuria (Messenia) | 2035633 | 2 |
Thuringia | 2037582 | 3 |
Thyateira (Lydia) | 2035760 | 12 |
Thymbra (Troas) | 2036405 | 1 |
Thyrrheion (Akarnania) | 2035608 | 8 |
Tianjin | 2035836 | 0 |
Tianlongshan | 2035854 | 27 |
Tiberias (Palestine) | 2035532 | 4 |
Tiberiopolis (Phrygia) | 2036379 | 2 |
Tibet | 2029075 | 103 |
Ticinum (North Italy) | 2036324 | 44 |
Tilíssos | 2039799 | 21 |
Timbriada (Pisidia) | 2035528 | 2 |
Tingis (Mauretania) | 2036651 | 3 |
Tirupati | 2043618 | 1 |
Tiryns (Argolis) | 2036851 | 24 |
Tlos (Lycia) | 2036646 | 2 |
Tlos and Kragos (Lycia) | 2036645 | 1 |
Toledo | 2035477 | 1 |
Tomaris (Lydia) | 2036359 | 2 |
Tomis (Moesia Inferior) | 2036304 | 9 |
Tongchuan | 2035804 | 42 |
Topeka | 2037146 | 4 |
Torino (Turin) | 2037201 | 7 |
Toronto | 2029945 | 9 |
Toulouse | 2035182 | 1 |
Tournai | 2039333 | 3 |
Trachonitis (Syria) | 2036344 | 2 |
Tragilos (Macedonia) | 2036604 | 4 |
Traianopolis (Phrygia) | 2036380 | 2 |
Tralles (Lydia) | 2036036 | 10 |
Trapezopolis (Caria) | 2036722 | 1 |
Trapezus (Pontus) | 2036385 | 2 |
Trebizond (Anatollia) | 2036412 | 58 |
Trenton | 2037590 | 2 |
Treptow an der Rega | 2040211 | 115 |
Trier (Germania) | 2036322 | 65 |
Trieste | 2029981 | 0 |
Trikka (Thessaly) | 2035597 | 4 |
Trinidad | 2043305 | 0 |
Tripolis (Lydia) | 2036037 | 4 |
Tripolis (Phoenicia) | 2036635 | 13 |
Troas | 2029767 | 1 |
Troizen (Argolis) | 2036833 | 1 |
Troy | 2036960 | 29 |
Troyes | 2033775 | 2 |
Tuder (Umbria) | 2036741 | 4 |
Tullum (Gaul) | 2036737 | 1 |
Tulum | 2039399 | 2 |
Tunis | 2029687 | 8 |
Tunisia | 2035425 | 0 |
Turiaso (Hispania) | 2036193 | 5 |
Turkistan | 2039367 | 1 |
Turkmenistan | 2035479 | 5 |
Turkmenistan or Uzbekistan | 2035474 | 2 |
Tuscany | 2028190 | 10 |
Tuskegee | 2037254 | 28 |
Tyana (Cappadocia) | 2036667 | 2 |
Tyana (Galatia) | 2036481 | 1 |
Tyndaris (Sicily) | 2036539 | 3 |
Tyra (Thrace) | 2035718 | 1 |
Tyre (Phoenicia) | 2036286 | 39 |
Tyrol | 2028403 | 3 |
Tyrrhenoi (Sicily) | 2038790 | 0 |
Türkiye (Turkey) | 2028384 | 370 |
Tōkyō | 2029083 | 162 |
Tōkyō Metropolitan Area | 2029082 | 1 |
U.S.S.R. | 2029868 | 3 |
Udaipur | 2040373 | 5 |
Udine | 2039794 | 0 |
Udine | 2039795 | 1 |
Uganda | 2036936 | 3 |
Ukraine | 2029841 | 1 |
Ulia (Hispania) | 2036560 | 1 |
Ulm | 2037120 | 51 |
Umbria | 2028597 | 7 |
Umbria | 2029078 | 18 |
Umbria (Uncertain Mint) | 2036456 | 2 |
Uncertain Cyprus Mint | 2036622 | 2 |
Uncertain European Mint | 2036468 | 4 |
Uncertain Mint | 2036281 | 12 |
Uncertain Mint | 2035970 | 5 |
Uncertain Mint | 2035672 | 173 |
Uncertain Mint (Macedonia) | 2037488 | 2 |
Uncertain Mint (Pontus) | 2036383 | 3 |
Uncertain Scythian Mint | 2036493 | 0 |
Uncertain Sicilian Mint | 2035993 | 1 |
Uniara | 2035334 | 2 |
Unidentified East Asian Site | 2028559 | 32 |
Unidentified Middle Eastern Site | 2035384 | 4 |
Unidentified Mint | 2035968 | 8 |
Unidentified Region | 2028563 | 64 |
Unidentified Site | 2035399 | 16 |
Unidentified Site | 2028629 | 16 |
Uniontown | 2028573 | 2 |
Unionville Center | 2028508 | 16 |
United | 2028536 | 8 |
United Kingdom | 2028268 | 915 |
United States | 2028213 | 28672 |
United States? | 2037248 | 6 |
Unity | 2038259 | 4 |
Untikesken (Hispania) | 2039738 | 2 |
Upper Rhine | 2035298 | 8 |
Uranopolis (Macedonia) | 2036488 | 3 |
Urartu | 2028602 | 5 |
Urbana | 2028486 | 57 |
Urbino | 2035268 | 9 |
Ursentum (Lucania) | 2038757 | 0 |
Urso (Hispania) | 2036559 | 1 |
Utah | 2028438 | 34 |
Utica | 2035767 | 7 |
Utica | 2029965 | 0 |
Utrecht | 2035287 | 1 |
Uttar Pradesh | 2028370 | 5 |
Uttarakhand | 2040219 | 0 |
Uxentum (Calabria) | 2038749 | 0 |
Uzbekistan | 2035374 | 9 |
Valencia | 2035396 | 3 |
Valentia (Hispania) | 2039740 | 0 |
Valley of Mexico | 2029769 | 2 |
Vancouver | 2037192 | 1 |
Vari (Attica) | 2029720 | 9 |
Varysburg | 2037036 | 10 |
Vasiliki (Crete) | 2029700 | 3 |
Veenhuizen | 2037225 | 22 |
Veii (Etruria) | 2029782 | 10 |
Velathri (Etruria) | 2036455 | 1 |
Velia/Hyele/Elea (Lucania) | 2035579 | 43 |
Vence | 2029875 | 1 |
Veneto | 2028209 | 4 |
Venezuela | 2036610 | 0 |
Venice | 2028210 | 1295 |
Venusia (Apulia) | 2036744 | 2 |
Veracruz | 2035199 | 1 |
Vermont | 2029852 | 8 |
Verona | 2029141 | 34 |
Verulamium (Britain) | 2038888 | 0 |
Vestini (Picenum) | 2038715 | 0 |
Vienna | 2029940 | 64 |
Vietnam | 2035822 | 3001 |
Viminacium (Moesia Superior) | 2036483 | 5 |
Vincennes | 2032243 | 1 |
Viola | 2037038 | 8 |
Virginia | 2029847 | 114 |
Virginia Highlands | 2037169 | 14 |
Volcei (Campania) | 2038733 | 0 |
Vulci (Etruria) | 2029724 | 6 |
Vézelay | 2035155 | 11 |
Wailuku | 2038269 | 31 |
Wales | 2036898 | 16 |
Wallonia | 2035211 | 0 |
Walmouth | 2035945 | 1 |
Walpole | 2038298 | 20 |
Waltham | 2038349 | 22 |
Warendorf | 2040086 | 0 |
Warren | 2028552 | 33 |
Warrensburg | 2037039 | 7 |
Warrenton | 2029848 | 1 |
Warsaw | 2035934 | 1 |
Warwick | 2039945 | 2 |
Warwickshire | 2039349 | 3 |
Washington | 2028554 | 128 |
Washington | 2036934 | 7 |
Washington County | 2029958 | 0 |
Washington Court House | 2028432 | 26 |
Watertown | 2039731 | 3 |
Watertown | 2037041 | 5 |
Waverly | 2038310 | 109 |
Weimar | 2040202 | 9 |
Wellington | 2037141 | 17 |
Wendell | 2036994 | 1 |
West Africa | 2035259 | 60 |
West Bengal | 2040350 | 14 |
West Chester | 2029975 | 0 |
West Gaul | 2036199 | 1 |
West Indies | 2036998 | 0 |
West Memphis | 2028499 | 8 |
West Stewartstown | 2036966 | 9 |
West Virginia | 2028433 | 22 |
Westborough | 2038291 | 25 |
Western Anatolia | 2035551 | 2 |
Western France | 2035215 | 1 |
Western India | 2029037 | 4 |
Western Iran | 2028242 | 1 |
Western Iran | 2029100 | 64 |
Western Sudan and West Africa | 2039223 | 0 |
Western Türkiye (Turkey) | 2028385 | 29 |
Western Uzbekistan | 2035375 | 1 |
Westmoreland | 2038263 | 9 |
Westmoreland County | 2028529 | 27 |
Whallonsburg | 2037042 | 8 |
Whitinsville | 2038595 | 1 |
Whittier | 2036506 | 1 |
Williamsburgh | 2040448 | 0 |
Williamson | 2028546 | 21 |
Wilmerding | 2037245 | 10 |
Wilmington | 2029956 | 0 |
Wilmington | 2037173 | 27 |
Winchester | 2037466 | 1 |
Winnipeg | 2037251 | 1 |
Wisconsin | 2029887 | 75 |
Wittenberg | 2033838 | 3 |
Woodbine | 2038380 | 234 |
Woodbury | 2037106 | 22 |
Woodlands | 2040097 | 5 |
Woodstock | 2028511 | 6 |
Woodstock | 2029954 | 1 |
Woodville | 2028522 | 2 |
Woonsocket | 2029992 | 1 |
Worcester | 2036759 | 1 |
Worcester | 2038316 | 25 |
Worms | 2040201 | 14 |
Worthington | 2028498 | 30 |
Wyandotte | 2037180 | 6 |
Wyoming | 2039245 | 28 |
Württemberg | 2037208 | 2 |
Würzburg | 2029942 | 0 |
Xanthos (Lycia) | 2029785 | 1 |
Xinjiang | 2035835 | 12 |
Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region | 2040003 | 0 |
Xi‘an | 2035838 | 25 |
Yangliuqing | 2035837 | 59 |
Yaphank | 2037043 | 13 |
Yazd | 2035360 | 2 |
Yemen | 2042209 | 1 |
Yingde | 2028456 | 1 |
Yogyakarta | 2030013 | 2 |
Yonkers | 2037093 | 1 |
Yonne | 2035221 | 2 |
Yorkship Village | 2037185 | 0 |
Yorkshire | 2039348 | 3 |
Yortan (Anatolia) | 2029761 | 53 |
Youngstown | 2038369 | 15 |
Yucatan | 2029762 | 8 |
Yukon | 2039999 | 5 |
Yungang | 2035856 | 6 |
Yunnan province | 2035858 | 4 |
Zakynthos (Ionian Islands) | 2036808 | 4 |
Zamboanga | 2040126 | 1 |
Zanjan province | 2035351 | 0 |
Zankle (Sicily) | 2038791 | 0 |
Zanzibar | 2040127 | 2 |
Zaozhuang-Zibo | 2028481 | 2 |
Zehlendorf | 2040212 | 25 |
Zela (Pontus) | 2035755 | 2 |
Zermatt | 2037102 | 1 |
Zeugitana | 2035736 | 0 |
Zeugma (Commagene) | 2036303 | 4 |
Zhaoqing | 2028476 | 0 |
Zhejiang Province | 2028468 | 81 |
Zhuxianzhen | 2035876 | 4 |
Zinc | 2028518 | 5 |
Zschopau | 2037218 | 1 |
Zurich | 2033814 | 27 |
Zwickau | 2037220 | 1 |
Üsküdar | 2029106 | 1 |